Hi, Impaqt! It's been a nice war in the Spam section of RPG so I thought I'd say hello and make amends, ahahah. I think it's great that you want to start a new chapter in your life, I'm in the same or rather similar situation right now with trying to return to college and do something that I really love despite having lost a lot of family members this past years from extended family to my main one. So, it's just my mother and I but we're doing really great and hopefully, it will continue to be that way. I have a lot of faith in that. :) The not changing about being a male made lol so hard, good one! That's such an amazing aspiration to have about children! Whomever you choose to adopt, is going to be so blessed to be with you and call you his father. There's nothing like family. I suffer from depression too and on top of that grief as of recently as well as panic attacks and anxiety which I take medication for. I don't know what I'd do without it but I'm glad to have a psychiatrist who actually cares about me like a father. Even though I have a few circle of friends, I realize that they help so much too. So, if you ever need to talk someone, you can count on me. I'm a judge-free zone and what's been us, will be kept between us. Ah, a Superhero person! I lalalalove DC and Marvel, I just can't choose. I love Arrow, Daredevil, Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, Batman Beyond, Batman, Avengers, Thor, X-Men, and so many more. I haven't seen Gotham yet but I would love to! I have a streamer in my room so I should add to my list on Hulu. You should reeeeeeeally watch Daredevil, you'll go head over heels over it. It's that amazing. I've always loved Daredevil. Oh yeah, I forgot I love Deadpool too (yay, Ryan Reynolds!). Don't worry about writing a lot, I could go on for three threads, I think! So, you're not the only one. :) I'm not currently in any roleplays but I am talking to a few people but I'm craving for one so much. :'( Anyways, I hope you've been having fun on here like I have, haha!