Iz1 Name: Izumi Kaede Age: 15 but looks nine Appearance:[Hider=App] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/056/7/8/oshino_shinobu_by_akiyojiro-d4qwso7.png[/img] [/Hider] [Hider=transformed] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTM5aUXV6iGK3GqTU6I3_nJ3ni9P5JwCXiPREFbbte52G9VVte[/img] [/Hider] Wish: I wish to grow Soul Gem Color: Royal purple Powers: Electrokinesis, she only knows it to the point of firing purple electric blast at people and absorbing energy from electrical items, while also charging certain things with her electricity. Weapon: Shortened [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130412180551/runescape/images/1/1f/Black_halberd_detail.png]Halberd[/url] Personality: Despite looking like a nine year old, Izumi doesn't have a mindset like one, she is a genius and has the tendency to use higher vocabulary in certain situations when she likes to show off her intelligence, Izumi has moments when she talks down to others about due to their intelligence not being up to par with hers, she can be very observant noticing the smaller things among the larger things. Izumi due to her short stature, Izumi loses her cool when other people mock her height or calls her a stupid kid and doesn't listen to her, she can get violent to the point where she will fight the individual who called her short or stupid. But Izumi won't hesitate to use her height and youth to get her way among certain people. When she transforms she gains the height that she would normally be at her age. Bio: Izumi was the first child in a royal family, she had an easy life, most of her problems she had could be either handled with either her parents money, or her genius. But then there was a problem something neither could fix for her, it was her body, as her siblings started to get older and grow, her body stayed young as she was nine. This was a problem her parents nor smarts could fix, after dozens of visits to hospitals, and hearing the same thing almost dozens of times Izumi began losing hope that she would be able to grow into an adult. Then the time came where she was offered to be a magical girl, knowing what she really wanted, she choose take the contract without thinking twice about it. Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wh8FgsEtNQ]BRADIO[/url] Other: -Izumi's body suffers from Highlander syndrome, a disease that stops her body from aging after a certain point. -She only grows in her transformed state, being average height for someone her age. - Izumi doesn't like sweets.