[quote=@Dynamics] *Mumbles to myself* Try that trick when I don't have Logia Fruits... *My hands become clouds of smoke* Do people just not get that they're going to come back if you do nothing? Use the upper plane advantage while they're below you and destroy whatever's left. [/quote] It's a commonality that one would try something simple. I'm simply making the most of my time. [quote=@Araby264] *slowly the smoke clears and you can see into the chasm. There is a gain blue light and a steady [i]thump-thump-thump-thump[/i] Trinity does not emerge.* [/quote] *I finally stand up, lifting my foot and revealing a hole in the ground gat goes straight down, and really far. I drop a spherical explosive down in the hole, and it explodes once it hits the bottom. Shifting the rock and dirt from the ground over to fill the crack in the ground. This leaves a relatively small ditch in its place*