[@Snakes] Underage Succubus is lewd. Snakes pls. [quote=@Shisa] Well, this game has certainly caught my interest. I'll get to working on a sheet soon, I think, but before that there's something I would like to ask. In games like this, where everyone is a villainous mastermind with their own goals, it can become hard to have characters interact with one another. On a meta level, character interaction is the most satisfying and fulfilling part of roleplaying and everyone wants to do it. On a game level, however, we're all basically secretive, ruthless, paranoid psychopaths. The goal of the game is to get everything done without anyone figuring you out or noticing your plans, while the goal of the player is to interact with others and have fun. So, essentially, I would like to know how you plan to facilitate and/or incentivize character interaction. Having all the players be separate and try to further their own goals with the GM may work for a little while, but soon everyone is gonna want to check up on Hannibal Gutkicker or Ms. Katonic in character and they won't be able to without metagaming like a mofo. [/quote] This is something that I was considering as well. There is some possibility for cooperation or conflict, and when resources pop up it may end up being that we compete for them in some way, but I don't really see any obvious venue for interaction between our characters. I mean, it's not like Alice is going to just invite you all to a wonderful Tea Party, right? ... Right?