[@Imaginary] Seril looked at the girl in front of him jaw slack and face white as a ghost's. Just then the announcement came in over the PA and Seril looked to Nya's door, than back at her with an expectant look as if to say "Get your ass in there so we can go". He looked at her one last time and shook his head, trying to clear those thoughts. How did she know there was something wrong with him? he thought to himself as he through off his shirt and slipped on the tight guard shirt. His eyes flashed up as something dawned on him and she ran to get dressed herself. He grabbed the pair of guard pants he had picked up the day before from the store rooms. They were a bit outdated but they still were designed in a way as to not hinder the Guard's movement in any situation, being a little baggier on top and form fitting on bottom. He ran over to her door and leaned against the wall near the frame waiting for her to get done, he grabbed a black bandana and put it in his pocket. As she turned the corner she almost ran into him. He was standing there looking down on her with a curious gaze. "What the hell is wrong with [i]you[/i]?" He said an eyebrow raising. He was hoping her last reply was because his copy had been a prick not because she somehow knew he was an Anomalous. But how could that be? How could she know he wasn't normal by looking at him so intently? Unless.... Chess ran out of his room throwing on the pants Seril had told him about in class and heading for the Armory. He slammed to halt in line and waited his turn. It felt like an eternity before he got to the front and when he did his eyes almost filled up. The selection here was so vast he couldn't even think of what to say. He saw a revolver with a literally razor sharp sight and two barrels and pointed it out "Two of those" He said as the man turned around and began grabbing him one from the room. Chess tried not to notice the chuckle as he walked away. He then saw something that really caught his eye, just barely in view behind a rack of shotguns on the wall sat a beautiful black sword and Chess knew he had to have it. The man gave him the holster for his chest that would hold the two revolvers under his arms and the sword on his back. He ran up to the roof to meet the others after grabbing a kevlar assault mask he saw on the top shelf of a gear room. He put the mask with the skull painted on it on and was at the entrance to the roof. He took a deep breath.