After some consideration, I have decided that it will be too awkward working Brenner into the narraive and have instead opted for his biological son, who is a teacher at Beacon. GM characters (mostly teachers and such) [hider=adults] [hider=Grey Waldgrun] 1) Basic info: Name:Grey Waldgrun Team/occupation:team RSLG(former) Species:Human Age:39 Sex:male Handedness:right Aura/Effects:cobalt blue Symbol:segmented five point star. the center piece is grey, the upper point is forest green, the top left point is light purple, top right is rust red, bottom left is sage green, and bottom right is cobalt blue. each point represents a member of his immediate family Physical traits: Misc traits:none Nickname(s):none 2) Appearance: Height:6'1" Weight:175lbs Eyes:light green Face:long and refined Hair:light brown, short and combed back Physique:thin but well toned Combat Outfit:black jeans and a white t-shirt under a heavily pocketed brown leather jacket with hiking boots Casual Outfit:Dark blue suit with a red tie and briefcase(primarily worn while teaching 3) Characteristics: Personality:A very firm but kind man, some have described him as fatherly. takes great care to ensue all of his students meet their full potential. Background: Born and bred in Vale, Grey is the younger child of a family of four, with a twin sister, Rouge, who later became the leader of his team. Very few particularly special events occurred during his early life: He grew up an ordinary, healthy child. Attended combat school with his sister and future teammates- Rost and Lila- whom he later named two of his own children after. During initiation, they made it to the forest temple and retrieved their relics without encountering a single Grimm, and were almost universally average students. The only area in which they excelled was forging weapons, easily finding new and effective ways of combating the creatures of Grimm. His astounding normalcy lasted until the year he graduated from Beacon and his team went on their first mission as official hunters. During a patrol on the coast north of vale, they were overrun by a stampede of Grimm making it's way towards the city. Grey himself was severely wounded, and made the rest of the team return to Vale in order to secure reinforcements to deal with the thousand or so Grimm in the hoard that had outmatched them. By the time the rest of team RSLG had returned to get him, he was gone. Not dead, missing, they spent several weeks trying to find him, eventually stumbling across a small faunus village. Grey had been taken in by the village and his wounds were treated, during his time there he had fallen in love with a faunus girl named Sylvia and chose to stay in the village instead of returning to vale. after nearly two decades away, he returned to the kingdom to enroll his eldest on in Beacon, bringing with him his wife and children. Upon returning, he acquired a teaching position at Beacon Academy 4) Combat info: Position/Class:striker (difficult to class) Landing strategy:use a rocket loaded with dust to forcibly modify the terrain and allow for a soft landing. Weapon:Kriegsgott (war god, Double Concave Rocket Axe) A monstrous axe, measuring 8' long with 3' blades fully connected to the shaft. the blades are concave, causing the axe to resemble a banner or standard, his symbol is etched onto both blades. the shaft of the axe posses a shoulder pad, telescopic sight, and handle with a button trigger. the end opposite the blade is hollow, serving as the barrel of the rocket launcher, while a receiving slot for a magazine of rockets is situated just below the scope. when inactive, the shoulder pad, scope, and handle retract into the shaft, while the magazine must be removed. the entire barrel section retracts, covering the "control" section, which then folds parallel to the axe section. the axe blades fold around the shaft, leaving his symbol visible on both sides, while a small handle releases from the exposed edge of the blade section of the shaft, the resulting storage form greatly resembles a briefcase, does in fact function as one, however any documents within will be violently expelled when shifting into weapon form Semblance: Snare, can create traps on any surface he makes contact with that latch onto whatever triggers them with spectral chains. once activated he can pull the chains back to him, dragging the victim within range of his weapon, dust can apply elemental effects such as encasing the triggering party in ice or creating a sinkhole and shackling the victim inside it. Fighting style:Dispatches enemies by dismemberment or strategically placed rockets 5) Trivia: Relationships: need to know basis. Well, except his wife, Sylvia, she tends to stop in from time to time while he's working. He'd love to introduce you. (she likes meeting new people.) Notes:Being brought in so I can have some direct control over he narrative if the need should arrive. [/hider] [hider=Sylvia Waldgrun-Ectaris] 1)Basic info: Name:Sylvia Waldgrun-Ectaris Team/occupation:housewife/caretaker Species:Faunus (mouse) Sex:female Handedness:left Aura/Effects:silvery-green Symbol:trinity surrounding an azalea flower Physical traits:light brown mouse ears, whiskers Misc traits:none Nickname(s):none 2) Appearance: Height:4'7” Weight:105lbs Eyes:pale blue Face:very dainty Hair:mid-back, light brown, straight and extremely fine Physique:very lithe, small frame Combat Outfit:none Casual Outfit:simple ankle-length white dress, sandals 3) Characteristics: Personality: Sylvia is among the most gentle, kindhearted, and unobjectionable people in remnant, always there for her friends and family, willing and able to settle almost any sort of dispute simply by being present, as her naturally peaceful presence (and semblance) make those around her far less willing to resort to anger or violence. Background: Born in a small coastal village to the north of Vale, Sylvia grew up never even seeing a human, only other Faunus. It was not long after she turned 17 that she met Grey, a young huntsman who had been injured while fighting Grimm in the region. The villages warriors had escorted him back, where her and her mother looked after the man as he recovered. During his time in the village, the two of them fell in love, and they were married with a child on the way within the year. 4) Combat info: Position/Class:none Landing strategy:none Weapon:none Semblance:Pacification. An almost purely passive semblance that almost completely eliminates negative emotions in those around her, strong enough feelings of anger or sadness can overwhelm it, however. Her aura was unlocked in hopes she would have inherited her mothers healing semblance, however that was not the case. Fighting style:none 5) Trivia: Relationships: Grey Waldgrun: Her husband and the father of her 3 children. They are very much a loving couple, and she will frequently visit him during his working hours, as their younger children are students at Signal and she has little to do at home all day. Notes: Her and Grey were designed as a couple and as the parents of one of my student characters. Only adding her because it would be blasphemous to include Grey without her and vice-versa [/hider] [hider=The Man in Silver] 1)Basic info: Name:[redacted] Team/occupation:unknown Species:Human, probably, he thinks. been so long he can't really recall. Age:even he doesn't remember. Sex:Male Handedness:ambidextrous Aura/Effects:deep purple, almost black Symbol: simple silver and purple depiction of of a solar eclipse (8 triangles surrounding a silver circle) the triangles glow with the same light as his eyes Physical traits: hidden by armor Misc traits:non Nickname(s):General, The man in silver, the ancient one 2) Appearance: Height:7' Weight:unknown Eyes:glowing purple Face:permanently hidden behind a masked helmet and strange black cloth Hair:unknown Physique:extremely large based on the bulk of his armor and immense physical strength, Combat Outfit:Full body platemail made entirely of an unknown, corrosive resistant, non magnetic silver-like metal capable of withstanding immense heat and pressure. the few parts of his body not covered in armor reveal that he is also shrouded in a black cloth of unknown material Casual Outfit:none 3) Characteristics: Personality:[redacted] Background:[redacted] 4) Combat info: Position/Class:solo striker(ranged and close), tank, and scout(defies all possible class systems) Landing strategy:too conspicuous, prefers to walk. Weapon: Incipio interminatis (endless beggining) a pair of extremely large single-edged swords, bearing the visage of a long forgotten grimm once known as the leviathan. In the hands of their true master(nothing mystical, he's just the only one who knows how to operate them), the swords can combine into a tower shield carrying the image of the ancient behemoth or a great bow modelled after the wings of the mythical Ziz. Semblance: absolute astral projection, allows him to forcibly seperate his entire soul from his body, lifetimes of practice have enabled him to functions in two simltaneous positions by splitting his mind when he evicts his soul, leaving his body fully functional while his spirit works remotely. due to the ability to return his soul to his body at any time, he has died countless times only to reclaim his body at a later date. also allows him to possess those with a weaker will than his own, with the exceptions of Grimm and people who's auras have been unlocked Fighting style:A master of each of his tools, able to seamlessly change between any of several dozen fighting styles utilizing Incipio Interminattis in vaarious combinations. 5) Trivia: Relationships: [redacted] [/hider] [hider=Umuthi Iqhawe] 1)Basic info: Name:Umuthi Iqhawe Team/occupation:Beacon Teacher (Advanced Aura Application) Species:faunus(cat ears) Age:39 Sex:Male Handedness:left Aura/Effects:pink and green, pine needles Symbol:bundle of pine needles Physical traits:highly androgynous Misc traits:none Nickname(s):none 2) Appearance: Height:5'9" Weight:160lbs Eyes:light brown Face:narrow and effeminate. darker skinned Hair:dark green, neck length, straight Physique:narrow shouldered, low muscle mass Combat Outfit:custom fit riot armor Casual Outfit:slacks, dark blue button-down shirt, un-tucked 3) Characteristics: Personality:Very short temper, especially when people confuse his gender, which is often. nothing he does seems to change that fact. extremely intelligent and kindhearted, however. goes out of his way to help students in need. Background:Born to a poor family in vale and given up for adoption as a baby, he grew up in an orphanage until he was taken in by a moderately wealthy human family that effectively used him as a manservant. when he was a teenager, he ran away from them and enrolled at Signal when he was 13 where he thought life was finally looking up, until puberty struck and his voice became strikingly gender neutral. he had his aura unlocked not much later, hoping for an improvement in that regard, however when his aura turned out to possess a blindingly bright shade of pink he began to give up on the world. he managed to make it into beacon because of his particularly notable degree of aura control, however he was believed by fellow students (including his teammates) to be a woman until well into their second year. after graduation, he spent half a dozen years as an active duty hunter before getting a requst from Ozpin to take up a job teaching advanced aura techniques at the academy, where his gender continues to be called into question by students on a regular basis. 4) Combat info: Position/Class:controller(druid) Landing strategy:create a landing cradle from tree branches and/or shrubbery Weapon: Utshani(zulu, grass) hyper-kinetic ballistic daggers(HKBD) a set of daggers worn on a bandolier, each dagger is actually a razor sharp projectile connected to a dust fueled handle shaped launcher. the blades can be used as a melee weapon as well. also carries a satchel of miscelaneus seeds for producing helpfull plants not available in the surronding environment Semblance: Plant control, allows him to conjure and manipulate trees, shrubs, grass, and other botanical entities. a side effect of this manipulation is that they tend to enter full bloom when he brings them under his power. causes a deceptively small strain on aura to control them, but an extremely large drain if he needs to make them grow any amount Fighting style:trip up enemies with roots and thorny plants while using Utshani to injure them. primarily a support fighter. 5) Trivia: Relationships: Beacon staff: On good terms with the entire staff at beacon, with the exception of professor port for reasons he prefers not to talk about. students:save for certain students who tease him about his faunus heritage and anrogynous appearance, he is on good terms with most of his students. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=students (upperclassmen)] [hider=Garen Waldgrun] 1) Basic info: Name:Garen Waldgrun Team/occupation:beacon student, leader(team WGRN) Species:half faunus Age:17 Sex:Male Handedness:left(trained ambidextrous) Aura/Effects:sage-green, no VFX Symbol:nevermore mask and crossed feathers Physical traits:falcon eyes, ultralight skeleton Misc. traits:31 feathers and a nevermore mask tattooed around his neck Nickname(s):the falcon, bird boy, feather breath(by his teammates/cousins. he still can't figure out that last one) 2) Appearance: Height:5'8" Weight:146lbs Eyes:yellow-green Face:too angular, has a predatory avian quality that tends to be offputting. Hair:light brown, neck length, feathered Physique:thin but strong, highly flexible as a result of his combat specialization Combat Outfit:blue jeans and a black button down shirt under a brown leather duster jacket with simple leather boots Casual Outfit:same or beacon uniform 3) Characteristics: Personality:prideful but kind, usually willing to help others. some anger issues where anti faunus situations come up, having grown up in an isolated village with an almost entirely faunus population he is not used to discrimination. cares deeply for his family, particularly his younger siblings, the twins Rost and Lila. extremely intelligent and able to make calculations for a knifes trajectory rapidly and with great precision. great degree of personal discipline Background:[redacted] 4) Combat info: Position/Class:striker/controller(seeker) Landing strategy:use dexterity, aura, and semblance to land safely, different techniques will be used dependant on environmental factors such as presence of enemies. Weapon: [hider=weapons] [hider=Dichtungsblatter] Name: Dichtungsblatter (sealing blades) Type: Dust coated throwing blades (DCTB) Weapon Derivation: kunai knives, throwing cards, A pair of rotating disks roughly 6" in diameter, each disk contains 100 knives of various elements that are dispensed through a slot situated at the top of the disk, worn attached to a belt and strapped to his thighs Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: rotating disk decorated with a celtic knot symbol Features/Capabilities: since each knife is coated in a dust based film, they can be used in conjunction with Garen's Tether semblance Usage: they're disposable throwing blades, they can be used for creating ropes, chains, etc with the tether semblance, or ignited by aura for elemental ranged attacks Planned/Possible Upgrades:none Notes: inspired by DnD 4e's seeker class spirit channeling ranged powers. [/hider] [hider=Stalh Schatten] Name: Stahl Schatten (shadow steel) Type: double edged folding sword (DEFS) Weapon Derivation: long sword, great sword Jet lack long sword with a blade 3' long and 1-1/2" wide. has 6' parying hooks that fold down and to the sides from just below the middle of the blade. Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: parrying hooks fold upward into the blade proper, then blade collapses in on itself in 6" segments before finally retracting into the hilt, at which point the crossguards slide inward, covering the blade compartment. the final folded form resembles the hilt of a shortsword Features/Capabilities: infused with an accidentally created dust type referred to by Baruq as 'void dust' that absorbs light and sound. Usage: used as a reserve weapon for CQC Planned/Possible Upgrades:none Notes: Since it absorbs light, the lack of a visible object where one should be causes migraines if looked at for an extended period of time, it can still be felt and interacted with, but examining it is nearly impossible. the blade makes no noise as a result of absorbing sound, making it perfect for sneak attacks. all of the void dust Baruq mistakenly created went into Stahl Schatten and he has been unable to recreate the process that produced it. [/hider] [/hider] Semblance:Tether, creates solid chains or ropes from aura, they must be connected to his body or another energy source. when combined with dust they can take on other attributes such as being extremely heavy, razor sharp, and electrified. used in more complex forms by connecting multiple of his sealing blades Fighting style:takes a high position and pins down enemies using earth augmented aura chains, stays away from the fight as much as possible due to his lack of significat physical srrength, however if necesarry he is a skilled swordsman, practicing an unnamed style created in his home village that is specialised in fighting creatures of grimm 5) Trivia: Relationships: [hider=team WGRN] Agrus: His best friend and the only one of his cousins that is younger than him, albeit by just a few months. practically brothers Baruq:holds a great respect for his elder cousin, primarily because it is Baruq who masterminded the creation of the teams weapons after arriving in Vale. Korthan: never really understood why the oldest of the four consistently allowed him to lead the group, although it is becoming increasingly obvious that Korthan simply doesn't care to be in charge. [/hider] [hider=family] the twins:His beloved yonger siblings, he is particularly concerned about protecting Lila becase his dad told him it was "his brotherly duty to keep those brats from touching my little girl" although that was said in jest, he took it seriously and makes frequent trips to signal in order to check on them, usually in the evening or on days off. Grey and Sylvia: His parents, of course he loves them. hhe's not as worried about keeping them safe as he is about the twins, though, as his father is a trained huntsman. Cousins:See team WGRN [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] Of my 2nd year student characters, only Garen is likely to make a major appearance.