[b]Name:[/b] Oswald Malmonte (goes by Lord Hatred) [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/iJ2hDv7.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Lord Hatred is an angry man, and quite dramatic. He takes a lot of cues from Saturday morning cartoon villains, but he isn’t quite as one-dimensional. Probably. While impulsive, Lord Hatred is not a stupid man by any stretch of the imagination. He’s just angry and unfulfilled, and wants for others to feel the same. Lord Hatred started off as an internet reviewer, yelling almost incomprehensibly at movies and video games. Needless to say, he saw huge success and massive encouragement. The angrier he became, the more likes and views he received. This lead him to relate anger with praise and adoration, and he became even more angry and cynical every day. He started becoming like this in real life too, and he ended up driving all of his friends and family away and losing his real job which, well, made him even angrier. Eventually, he became so enraged at everything that he gained the powers of a minor rage deity. [b]Ability:[/b] [i]Good! I can use every OUNCE of your RAAAGE![/i] - Lord Hatred becomes even more powerful the more anger there is around him. Being a minor rage deity, this means that he is always stronger, tougher, and faster than a normal human. His abilities increase even further when there are others nearby who are enraged. In addition, the range for this ability also increases dependent on nearby anger. Its starting range is about three yards and grows about a foot for each other angry person in range, though this growth is really more dependent on the amount of rage than the number of people. Quality over quantity, Lord Hatred always says. [i]Yesss! Let your anger grooow![/i] – Lord Hatred can control anger, which extends to the ability to incite anger in others via his presence and/or oration as well as direct that anger towards a person or thing he specifies. This ability can work in conjunction with the first, but enraging someone completely artificially doesn’t provide as much power as real anger. In addition, he cannot incite or control the anger of PCs with this power as PCs are greater than his ability. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Talking smack[/i] – When Lord Hatred talks, the peons listen like the good little sheep they are. Years of reviewing video games and movies, no matter how garbled in anger the speech is, have prepared him for speaking to others and doing it well. [i]He’s got a sword![/i] – Lord Hatred’s sword isn’t just for show; he can use it, and use it to the best of his greater-than-human abilities. [i]Critical observation[/i] – Reviewing garbage pieces of trash has given him an incredibly detail-oriented eye. He is able to spot things that most people wouldn’t, and then sarcastically comment on them. Or just go off. [i]I hate my fans[/i] – Lord Hatred has just the [i]worst[/i] fans. They hate everything! Well, except for Lord Hatred. His fanbase consists of a lot of different people as well who, while they won’t put their life on the line for him, will help him out however they can. As long as it doesn’t cost too much or take much time. [hider=Hatred Castle] [b]Cash - $150[/b] [b]Lair[/b] [b]Ground Floor[/b] – This handsome one-story building used to house the whole Malmonte family. Now the bitter Lord Hatred and his cronies are the only occupants, as Oswald forced his parents into a home and his sister went away because she could no longer stand to even look at the guy. [b]Basement 1[/b] - Oswald’s inner sanctum is the wonderful basement he grew up in. What memories there are in this room; from the first time he realized that anime girls could replace real ones to that time he casually suggested kissing to his sister, laughed like it was totally a joke when he saw her unapologetic disgust, and backpedaled like a mofo while she didn’t talk to him for two whole weeks. [b]Basement 2[/b] – A secret laboratory, where all of Oswald’s evil experiments go on in. It was added after his parents moved out. Right now, he’s working on more anger-based devices. Like an anger ray. And a rage virus. [b]Minions[/b] Ted, the angry scientist. He [i]was[/i] mad, but when your employer is Lord Hatred you kind of go with the territory. [/hider]