[quote=@Snakes] [hider=Mister Xeng, The Owl][b]Name[/b]: Mister Xeng [b]Age[/b]: ??? [b]Sex[/b]: Male? Little is known about Mister Xeng. He is a demon of standing and infamy, although no one can quite remember why. He talks very little and has a fondness for birds - even the non-demonic kind [b]Abilities[/b] [i]The Birds[/i] - In a fight spectral birds of all descriptions erupt forth from Xeng. These tear and peck at enemies, distracting and hurting them. [i]Birds Eye View[/i] - Xeng sees through the eyes of his avian friends as easily as he can see through his own. This gives him incredible vision, meaning Xeng counts as a Surveillance Room all on his own. [b]Weakness[/b] Outside of his Surveillance ability, Mister Xeng is only available for combat. He cannot work or infiltrate. [center][IMG]http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv333/uthanos/oxford_circus___eric_lenoir__the_serial_cat_killer_by_nesskain-d82dt6b_zpsc458373d.jpg~original[/IMG][/center][/hider] [/quote] I’ll take the birdman, that guy looks sick. I’m still keeping my named minions TBH, them being weak punks be damned.