Telmeck eyed Rareth curiously, he didn't feel the need to continue questioning her, after all he was fairly certain he already knew why she had done it in the first place, so instead he just smiled rolled his eyes jokingly and turned back to the others. One by one everyone arrived and soon enough they had all assembled and were off. Telmeck took his seat and watched as the shuttle door closed locking them into the confines of the windowless shuttle. It felt as if they were in a box of some kind, luckily Telmeck wasn't the claustrophobic type or else this flight would have been much more uncomfortable than it needed to be. He shifted in his seat as he tried to get more comfortable as his gaze moved about the shuttle. The others were sharing some idle conversation which he participated in from time to time but for the most part he spent the flight spacing out as he inspected the interior of the shuttle. It felt distinctively military, at least that's what it's distinct lack of windows told him. Shuttles for diplomats, from his experience, tended to have at least one or two windows. Thankfully they had the proper clearance and were able to breeze through custumes and get on their way to their destination. He listened as the pilot was directed to the building hugely had been in before and was given clearance to land. As they landed and the door opened they were greeted by a small welcoming committee, which seemed to be headed by one of their representatives, Ghirn, Telmeck believed his name was. "Well, I wasn't expecting to be greeted at the door." Telmeck said quietly toward no one in particular in their small company. Quickly they were led away to a collection of rooms set aside for them in the residential section of this building. Ghirn led them into one of the rooms, and began his briefing. Telmeck listened intently as he spoke, seems they had been right to expect some resurctering for their little band. Rareth, Shiva, Shuo, Ashley and himself were placed into the same team while the others were being sent off on other assignments, whatever that meant. There was no denying Telmeck was pleased to hear that the people he had taken the time to get to know were remaining together. As Ghirn finished speaking Telmeck spoke up. "That's very good to hear sir, I look forward to meeting the "new blood". But, if I may, what became of the rebel force on the station? Is there any chance we may be encountering them again?" He asked, standing at military attention as he was so used to doing.