It is 2018. The place is Cleveland, Ohio. Three years ago, the White Rain fell, all over the world. To this day, the event is unexplained and has not been repeated. All we know are the bare bones: for exactly thirty-one minutes on March 9, 2015, the entire world was covered in clouds which rained a bizarre milk-white liquid. One-fifth of a percent of those caught out in the rain gained superpowers. Many of the Caught chose to live privately, keeping their newfound abilities to themselves. A malicious few used their gifts to prey on the innocent out of greed, arrogance, or spite. And some donned masks and costumes and chose to protect the world from those that would do it harm. Others, even without the benefit of superpowers, chose to follow their example through intense training or advanced technology. Three years later, superpowers are yesterday's news. Every major city (at least in the United States, not many other countries see the point) has several superheroes and even more supervillains. The villains try something, the heroes defeat them and throw them into prison, balance is restored and the cycle continues. It's become predictable, really. But on one hot summer night here in Cleveland, all that is about to change. In mere seconds, all of Cleveland's premier superheroes suddenly burst into purple flames. Screaming in agony, they are completely immolated. Greats like Captain Cuyahoga, Miss Understood, Pokerface, and Hologram die at the same instant, burned to ashes. And in that same instant, every door at Northern Ohio Penitentiary unlocks. The state's worst supervillains are loose, a scant few miles from Cleveland. Mad scientists, rampaging brutes, vicious mob enforcers, psychic serial killers, and other rogues are free now. All hell breaks loose. The villains are free to rob banks, seek revenge, conduct experiments, do whatever they please. And there is no one to stop them. The mayor of Cleveland puts the police on full alert, calls out the National Guard, and implores other nearby cities to send their superheroes for relief. Invited and uninvited, they come. The supervillains continue their rampage, and the stage is set for a vicious battle. Over it all, the questions remains: who killed Cleveland's superheroes, and set free the rogues? And what purpose does this all fulfill? In this RP, players are free to play as either superheroes or supervillains in an original universe. Characters without powers, like Batman or the Kingpin, are welcome and encouraged. This RP has an overarching story, but player efficacy and interaction are first and foremost in my mind. Your character can and will change life in this city. Please let me know if you have any questions!