Slitherin (SLEE-TER-REEN) Conservation status: Not endangered Scientific name: Raptizurdis Slitheranur Heterogenicity: Heterozygous Genus: Reptilia Classification: Pest Indigenous to the Bokma region. These 1 to 2 meter long reptiles are cold blooded omnivores who rely on an abundance of sunlight and caith aurum radiation to keep themselves warm. Their diet primarily consists of large insects and succulent shrubs, however they are voracious and will attack anything they outnumber or outsize. [img][/img] The males hunt for their packs, usually consisting of only 1 or 2 members of family. Though larger in size than the females, much of their mass is due to thick hide and their spines which are used to attack by brushing against their foe in a joust like manner. They are identified by bluish colouration present due to toxins in their skins. [img][/img] The females are rarer but are even more aggressive than males, their diet is mainly carnivorus though they will eat vegetation when resources are scarce. Their hide is plated, but lack long spines, however they will bite more often than males. Their hide is usually pale and sandy, but darker in sunny regions due to melanin formation. These reptiles do not take care of their young, sightings have been recently reported in Coeden. [i]"Strange were these creatures, like housepets I've seen in the noble manors of Adelant, but gruesomely larger. My encounter with one, which drawings I've detailed, ended with my guide producing a spear and raving in his local language - which I've only begun to grasp recently. It sparked my curiousity how one such spercimen, smaller than even me, would incite such aggression in the local Bokmarian populace. Perhaps there is ought to more behind this, I'll be travelling the sand lands for a few more days and in my spare time I shall endeavour to study what I can of these ...slitherers." - Beastiarum Collectivis, Journal entry by Horatio of Dust. [/i]