Trey’s eyes widened as Sumat took on the lone protestor and gave a short laugh as he sent her flying into his bubble of rednecks. His comment about voting for the registration act shocked Sumat for a brief second, before realizing that for him, it didn’t really matter, as it probably beat people assuming that he was some kind of alien monster. He smirked about the snake comment, with Trey noting to himself not to make the same mistake himself again. He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the Headmaster. The man’s voice boomed over the crowd, silencing everyone one. Luckily the teacher wasn’t aware that it was actually him that had frozen the protestors, so at the man’s command, he gave a short wave of his hands behind a fellow student’s back. The bubble vanished instantly, releasing the rioters, who continued to run forwardly slightly as if nothing had happened before stopping at the sound of the Headmaster’s voice. The woman who Sumat had thrown continued to fly forward through the air as if she had just been thrown, colliding with a few people towards the middle of the group. Trey shifted nervously from foot to foot as the Headmaster spoke, smiling once the man was gone. He was glad to see that he had fortunately not been caught out, with the young mutant who had started the fight being summoned to the office instead. Sighing with relief, he turned his attention to the former protestors, who were glumly heading back into town, dragging their signs along the ground behind them. The appearance of the vans worried him. If things had gotten too out of hand, he, as well as all of those around him, would probably be locked up in the back of it, never to be seen again. Snapping his attention back to something less depressing, he turned to Sumat. “Thank you for the support there!” He smiled before looking off towards one of the campus dorm buildings. “You staying on campus?”