[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FFdR8Mk.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Claudette Auclair [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Star Ranking/Goku Uniform[/b] - No-Star [b]Strengths[/b] [i]Adaptable Mentality[/i] – Claudette is a very adaptable individual, especially in regard to her mentality. Aside from making her highly resourceful and adaptable she is also as a result highly resistant to psychological attacks designed to manipulate her mental state due to the control that she can exert over her own mental state. [i]Observation and Analysis[/i] – Claudette is very observant, often picking up on small details that others regularly overlook. Her analytical mind then allows her to dissect that information so as to derive as much information as possible under the circumstances. In battle this manifests as her ability to derive the strengths and weakness of her opponents. The longer she can observe someone in action the more she can learn about them. [i]Anatomy[/i] – Claudette has a solid understanding of human anatomy and physiology. This knowledge can be used to hurt people as well as help them, depending on the situation. Knowledge of such things tells her where best to hit her opponents for maximum effect. More importantly perhaps it allows her to patch up and treat her allies. [b]Weaknesses[/b] [i]Physique[/i] – Strength of mind does not automatically equal strength of body. Unlike her brother Reynard, Claudette’s preference for intellectual pursuits has led to below average physical traits such as strength, endurance and stamina. As expected her normal combat damage is relatively low. [i]Non-Combatant[/i] – A lack of combat experience results in more generic attacks that leave openings that can be easily exploited by professional combatants. With that said lacking a set style of combat can have advantages, especially when it comes to being predictable. [i]Target Fixation[/i] – Claudette can become target fixated, blinding her to the larger situation as a whole, making it easier for her to be distracted by imposing/bothersome opponents. This is most likely to occur if she is made angry or her brother is hurt. [b]Favourite Activity:[/b] Biology Club [b]Personality:[/b] A borne scientist Claudette is a bright, curious and intelligent young woman with something of a ‘flexible’ approach to ethical considerations. As such she tends to see the world in terms of cause and effect rather than in terms of good and evil. Because of this she is able to consider courses of action that to others might seem unethical, irresponsible or outright reprehensible to those with a more rigid sense of morality. With that said it should be noted that Claudette is not a bad person and is a surprisingly loyal and protective friend. She does however have a tendency to form…unhealthy…attachments to specific individuals. Very unhealthy attachments. [b]Biography:[/b] Claudette is a full time student at the prestigious Berlin High academy. Originally a student in a similar institution in Paris, Claudette was approached by representatives of Berlin High academy after a series of articles printed in a well-respected scientific journal were brought to their attention by an anonymous source. These of course were authored by Claudette. Suitably impressed they offered her the chance to study in an environment that would broaden her horizons immeasurably. An orphan with few attachments save for her brother Reynard, Claudette was moved to the academy where she now lives in permanent student accommodation provided for free by the academy to all of its gifted students. Academically speaking Claudette is one of the brightest students when it comes to mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other scientific subjects taught at Berlin High. In contrast however she is something of a self-confessed dunderhead when it comes to non-scientific subjects and possess little motivation in regard to improving in those areas. This is especially true for physical classes, with Claudette virtually always last. Socially she is neither popular nor unpopular and gets along with anyone willing to put up with her often erratic and eccentric behaviour for any significant length of time. It should be noted that the majority of her close friends are of the male persuasion, however none are romantically involved with her. As to her inclusion on the infiltration mission into a certain foreign organisation the reasons are primarily twofold. Firstly her ability to observe and analyse a wide variety of information in a critical and accurate manner will be of great benefit to the team as a whole, giving them insights into the abilities, strengths and weaknesses of their enemies. The more she can discover and relay back to Berlin High about the so called ‘Goku’ uniforms the better. Secondly her personality makes her a good fit for just about any team assembled due to her highly flexible and adaptable mentality. Her lack of ethical considerations will also no doubt prove useful should more…extreme methods be required. One final advantage to her inclusion was that of a tough and extremely loyal combatant in the form of her brother Reynard, a vigilante of some considerable notoriety. [b]Weapons [/b] [i]Acupuncture Needles[/i] – With precision it is possible to target a persons pressure points allowing Claudette to disable individual parts of the body, including muscle response and pain reception. Though they can be thrown, successful attacks are far more likely to occur at close range, especially if the target is unaware. Only exceptional individuals can overcome the induced paralysis of their own accord. [b]Items[/b] [i]Medical Equipment[/i] – For the treating of wounds, burns and abrasions. Claudette is also able to perform blood transfusions if the need arises. This kit also includes a wide variety of medication such as adrenaline, tranquillisers and painkillers. It should be noted that Claudette is a universal blood donor and is therefore a primary source of said blood. [i]Medicinal Acupuncture Needles[/i] – Designed specifically for the administration of restorative medication straight into the bloodstream. For when normal administration is not an option. [i]Scalpel[/i] – Because you never know when the chance for some impromptu experimentation might occur. Though incredibly sharp it is unsuitable as a mainstay weapon of choice.