[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cgfj4Tm.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Reynard Auclair [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Star Ranking/Goku Uniform[/b] - No-Star [b]Strengths[/b] [i]Versatile[/i] – More of a street fighter than a true martial artist, Reynard’s combat style incorporates techniques from a variety of sources that make him a versatile, unpredictable combatant. It also lets him more easily mimic moves he has seen his opponents use, especially if they use them on him directly. [i]Prime Physique[/i] – The opposite of his sister Claudette, Reynard possesses a strong physique, giving him solid physical strength, endurance and stamina. His speed and reflexes aren't too shabby either. Principle among these are his endurance and stamina, making him difficult to take down. [i]Adrenaline Rush[/i] – Reynard enjoys fighting and other dangerous situations far more than is normal, his body having a greater adrenal capacity than is normal. This allows him to shrug off a great deal of pain and injury from longer than normal, making him hard to put down with anything short of a knock-out blow. [b]Weaknesses[/b] [i]Discipline[/i] – Reynard is a street fighter and that has its advantages. It also has certain disadvantages. Primary among these is the lack of discipline that comes from rigorous and repetitive training under a Master or instructor. As such he is easily riled and like his sister can become target fixated. Claudette is the only one who can rein him in when he flies of the handle in such situations. [i]Team Player[/i] – To be more precise it is his inability to follow orders and cooperate with most individuals due to having always relied on his own wits and brawn to get out of dangerous situations. Claudette is one of a few notable exceptions to this rule and is able to completely command his attention. [i]Inflexible Morality[/i] - Unlike his sister Reynard operates within a less flexible set of ethical and moral considerations. He tries to act as his sisters moral compass, with varying degrees of success. [b]Favourite Activity:[/b] Mixed Martial Arts [b]Personality:[/b] A hot-blooded young man who is nothing if not blunt but honest, never mincing his words or beating around the bush. If he says it, he means it. He enjoys fighting to an extent but is by no means a battle maniac and is therefore loathe to fight people who are obviously weaker than himself. He is also very likely to stand up for total strangers, especially those of the helpless variety. Once angered the only person who can reliably control him is his little sister Claudette. Despite his tough guy appearance and attitude he can be surprisingly gentle. He has a great deal of respect for his little sisters accomplishments, as he does for anyone who is more intelligent or talented than himself, provided they are not an arrogant prick about it. [b]Biography:[/b] Reynard and his little sister Claudette were left orphaned by an unfortunate car accident when they were both since very young. As a result only Reynard has any solid memories of their parents. As one might expect growing up in an orphanage is not the easiest of childhoods, causing Reynard to become very protective of Claudette, going out of his way to always protect her. As they refused to be separated it became almost impossible to get them adopted. However even the closest of siblings drift apart eventually. Claudette’s academic achievements were something that Reynard could never truly emulate, causing them to be sent to different schools. While Claudette excelled Reynard went down an altogether different path. He started getting into fights with the local punks and thugs in his neighbourhood, learning very quickly what worked and what didn't work when it came to bare-bones fighting. However this violent path was not borne from a bad place, rather he became disillusioned with the state of the world. In the poorer parts of town he saw crime committed on an almost daily basis and more often than not the police did nothing about it. So he became something of a vigilante. It was a steep learning curve but like his sister he had found something he was actually good at. When Claudette was offered the opportunity to move to the prestigious Berlin High academy he was not angry or betrayed, in fact it was him who ultimately convinced Claudette to follow her dreams. He didn't want her to fall into his darker world. After his sister left the city the two of them stayed in contact regularly, with Reynard content to watch his sisters accomplishments from the side-lines. And he would have been happy enough to stay there. However one day several years later he was approached by a man with an interesting opportunity. One that would take him to Berlin High academy. Not as a student but as his sisters protector. This representative of Berlin High never gave his name to Reynard, not that this surprised him in any way. However he was more than forthcoming about the mission that his sister had elected to take part in. Fearful for his sisters safety he agreed to go along with her. [b]Weapons[/b] – [i]Tonfa[/i] - Reynard’s weapon of choice. As expected such weapons favour an aggressive fighting style, focusing on landing rapid, hard hitting blows that inflict blunt force damage. They also allow him a solid defence when forced into a defensive stance. With this said Reynard knows how to make use of virtually any object he can lay his hands on as a weapon, making him a highly resourceful fighter.