[@ViolentViolet] [color=red]Ryko and Connor Quick[/color] Cafe Ryko didn't look at her. Instead, he stared down at the table, taking a great interest in his thumbs. He murmured back quietly, "Yeah, I saw. I know an abusive relationship when I see one, hun." He smirked sadly down at his hands and said, "Unfortunately, you're looking at the king of them. I hate to admit it, but I did used to abuse many girls before I came here." He took a deep shuddering breath and shifted to the other end of the booth, farther away from her. He leaned his head up against the window in the booth and said, "I promise I'm getting better. Just... please, stay near Connor for the first little bit, alright?" Connor, after Claudia hurried off inside, shook his head. "That girl is strange..." he murmured to himself, but he couldn't help but feel drawn toward her. He walked inside and saw his brother actually talking to her. He smiled a little bit until he saw Ryko shift away from her and Connor sighed, his smile dropping. He walked over to them and put on a fake smile and said, "I'm gonna grab some coffee. You guys want anything? I'm paying." "Good, cuz I'm starving," Ryko said after his stomach grumbled very loudly at him. "I haven't head anything to eat since our match this morning. Can you get me a coffee, black, and a plate of blueberry muffins?" Connor stared at him, narrowing his eyes. Ryko rolled his own and said grudgingly, "Please?" Connor smirked and turned to Claudia. "And for the beautiful lady?" [@Avanhelsing] [color=lightblue]Eliza Brindelwood[/color] Garden Eliza couldn't think of anything else to say or do, so she hugged him extremely hard and was nearly bawling into his shoulder. She took a deep breath before drawing away and she rested her hands on her knees, smiling down at them. "Neither of us may not be very good at this, but it seems like we're getting better," she murmured to him before standing up. "Why don't we go down to the pool? I want to go swimming! I was actually planning on it before I got the call this morning, which is one of the reasons why I have a swimsuit on under my stuff..." She pulled down the top of her shirt slightly, exposing the top of a bright pink bikini strap and she jumped around excitedly. "Come on. It'll be fun!" She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him to his feet.