"As far as we know, every single one of them are dead." Ghirn answered to Telmeck. "After you evacuated the station, our strike team did manage to capture some of the rebels. However, when they attempted to interrogate them, they all essentially self destructed, and all in the same way. Massive hemorrhaging of the brain, which killed each of them basically instantly." Rareth nodded. "I though that is what that was. When we captured one of them, he died pretty suddenly after we started questioning them. Oddly, he sounded like he was about to actually tell us something before he died. Seems strange to me that someone who was actually willing to talk would have willingly undergone a procedure like that." "Yes, I recall that from your report. It is possible that it was not a voluntary procedure for the rebels. Regardless, it is safe to say you will never see those rebels again, but that kind of bioengineering is not what we would expect to see from a group of rebels with seemingly limited resources. That implies there is something more going on, but exactly what we cannot yet say. There may have been a larger organization funding, or even directly controlling them. However, we cannot link them to any known group with sufficient resources who would actually benefit from this kind of attack. None of the files we have examined so far even mention the goal of these rebels. They took the hostages, then just seemed to wait for us to arrive. Luckily, it looks like enough data was recovered that we will be able to send you on a mission to follow up on this. The details of it are being finalized as we speak." Ghirn explained.