[center][h1][color=limegreen][u]Beth Carson[/u][/color][/h1][/center] Perhaps it was the stone foundation that more than likely sat beneath what they could see of the ruins, but the path along the wall was relatively clear of debris, a great change from the overgrown trail leading to the ruins in the first place. As such, Beth had a much easier time keeping up with Michelle as the two of them looked for a way that Michelle could use to get into the ruins. After what seemed like forever, they finally managed to find a set of massive metal doors, which seemed a likely candidate for being a way into the ruins that didn’t involve jumping over the walls. Beth couldn’t help but feel as though Michelle was teasing her when she asked if Beth thought that she would be able to open the doors, primarily because Beth was pretty sure that Michelle was strong enough to push the twenty-foot high slab of metal in. Beth was willing to give it a try anyway, oddly encouraged by thought of Michelle teasing her again. Her first thought was to create a repulsion between her hands and the door and use that to push it open, but one look at the hinges gave her the idea of blasting them off and letting the door fall down. Making sure that Michelle wasn’t close enough to be in danger, Beth drew the charge on her body together to form two arcs on either side of her, quickly launching them at the hinges of the door and taking a few steps back as ozone filled the air. The hinges shattered as the electricity finished entering them, having been superheated by the current and then cooled back down by its absence. As metal fragments rained down over them, Beth concentrated, pulling the negative charges together in the middle of the door and holding them there while she moved the negative charges on her body to the front so that she and the door would repel one another. With such a small base to support its center of gravity, and the lack of hinges to provide extra support, the small amount of force directed into the ruins was enough to get the door tipping, a position from which it quickly accelerated, smashing into the ground with a loud thud that echoed dully through the forest. [color=limegreen]”Let’s go inside, shall we?”[/color] Beth said as she joined Michelle, a huge grin on her face, a combination joy that she was able to open the door and excitement over the prospect of seeing what was hidden in the ruins.