[center][h2]Yui[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WT6YAaZ.jpg[/img] Real Life Name Bridget de Blois Gender Female Age 14 [h2]Personality[/h2] Yui is a really cheerfull girl that is for the most part hyperactive she wants all the attention at all the times and want to stand out above everybody else. She is mostly in the front lines of the battle where everybody can see here despites that she is really scared most of the times. She doesn't like to be lonely especially when it's dark she even sleeps with a nightlight on in real life just because it makes her feel better and safer [h2]Background[/h2] Bridget was born with a mutation in her right arm and had to have her right arm amputated till halfway between her hand and elbow. Further on she lead a normal life just like every other. Her dad is boss of a big business company which made it possible to afford a robotic prosthetic for her right arm. It took some time to get used to it with some weird quirks now and then. She did get bullied over it a lot, but nothing all to serious. When she got older she developed something for gaming and bought a few cheap small games that seemed like her taste. But when she finished she was out for more. She started buying some rpgmmos where you could do whatever you wanted and with her dad his help she layed her fingers on the game she heard everyone about. SAO sword art online. [h2]Skills[/h2] Medicine mixing Cooking Sprint Tracking Heavy Metal Equipment [h2]Sword - Sword Skills[/h2] One Handed Sword [img]http://i.imgur.com/0SHfvir.jpg[/img] Slant Vertical Uppercut Sonic Leap Snake Bite [h2]Stats[/h2] Level 3 Health 650 Strength 11 Agility 5[/center]