Everything happened so fast. Yoyo was waiting eagerly for the announcement of the next fight, fingers crossed it was her and someone interesting. Like that large robot-looking dude, or either of the reptilian beings, or perhaps that unique 6 armed woman (she wondered if she was simply born with the six arms, or was she perhaps using some form of the 'Four Witches Technique'...or even some other shape changing technique, while rare they weren't un heard of. She had studied form-shifting skills while back at home but only in scrolls rather than training. She had wanted to learn some of her schools form altering skills but her father and grand father kept telling her 'she simply wasn't ready nor suited for such techniques' stubborn old goats ) And while lost in this train of thought ting odd seeming bandits leapt from the crowed, exuding a sense of power, skill, and confidence told her instincts they weren't like the weakling show off she had fought earlier. The next thing she knew they were flying off. With the money. With HER money. She stammered in stunned inaction for a moment as a few of the other tournament goers took up the hunt after the villains. She felt her temper flair and her blood boil as the audacity of those brigands taking her meal tickit filled her mind. With a focus of effort she activated her 'Tigers leap' skill, and with a jump that seemed to onlookers to take the same effort as a simply skip she bounded up into the air and clear out of the arena. She landed on outside, on some poor civilian fleeing the screen, but without so much as a 'sorry' she bounded off again ( and she was fairly sure as she bounded off the person they grunted the word 'POWER' in pain ). Now she was focusing her jump to have maximum forward velocity so it was as if she was running along the ground with each bound taking amazing amounts of distance. She wasn't exactly closing fast on the villians but she could see them and was not losing ground. "I'll teach you to steal from a Tiger!" She called in fury.