[center][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DITy3T2BgbI]The Sorcerer's Apprentice[/url][/h1] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/ESxVxc9HttIDm/giphy.gif[/img] [color=rosybrown][b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Known almost exclusively as 'The Apprentice' or 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'. His true name is currently unknown to all but himself, the Sorcerer, and possibly Rumpelstiltskin [b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv2uxlzPuB1r6jps4o1_400.jpg[/img] [b][i]Wardrobe Style:[/i][/b] Garbed much as a typical mage would, the Apprentice's typical outfit consists of long, layered robes of crimson red, accentuated by gold and supplemented with matching gloves. Underneath is a simple tunic and trousers with weathered brown shoes. His sword is kept sheathed at his hip and a modest satchel is slung over the opposite shoulder, containing various scrolls and parchments. [Hider=Example Outfit][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/28b5a1bda8f64d836baf03ecaf3429e0/tumblr_n0hz2rAR2J1st765ao9_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][i]Height & Build:[/i][/b] Standing at 5'7" in height, the Apprentice possesses a modest, slight build, lacking much in the way of muscle and bulk. In spite of this, however, he gives off an air of power and knowledge that belies his almost sickly frame. [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] Physically appears to be in his early thirties. Is chronologically in his hundreds. [b][i]Affiliation:[/i][/b] [url=http://easydamus.com/neutralgood.html]Neutral Good[/url] [b][i]Status and Job:[/i][/b] Apprentice to an enigmatic and immensely powerful Sorcerer | Guardian of the Sorcerer's Hat [b][i]Magic Capabilities:[/i][/b] A masterful wielder of magic, trained by the Sorcerer himself, the Apprentice is regarded as being an incredibly powerful individual within The Enchanted Forest. Capable of extraordinary feats of magic, ranging from the most passive and mundane to large-scale and dangerous, the Apprentice is capable of dealing with nearly [i]any[/i] threat to himself or his allies; though even he is unsure how a magic duel between himself and the Dark One would end. The Apprentice is not a violent man, and thus favors stunning or immobilization spells over outright harmful or lethal ones when he can help it, though he is both capable and willing to use the latter if the situation calls for it. When empowered by the Sorcerer, the Apprentice is not bound to the limitations Rumpelstiltskin is, and can open portals to different realms, most commonly being the Land Without Magic. [b][i]Weapons:[/i][/b] The Apprentice, being a peaceful man, does not favor carrying or using weapons. However, being Guardian of the Hat, he is equipped with a single [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/d/d3/Merlin979.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/682?cb=20120409030724]longsword[/url] that he can wield with adept skill. Though not typically used as a weapon, the Apprentice also carries a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/61/c0/5d/61c05da5ada47fa9cc34c7a10663de1a.jpg]staff[/url] that he primarily uses as a walking aide and magical tool, though it can more than effectively function as a blunt weapon should the need call for it. [b][i]Strengths:[/i][/b] Aside from his magical talent, the Apprentice is an exceptionally intelligent individual, having spent most of his life under the Sorcerer's tutelage, gaining a vast amount of knowledge regarding various fields of study; ranging from simplistic and rudimentary to nigh-incomprehensible. The Apprentice also displays an almost inhuman amount of focus, patience, and willpower, stemming from his advanced age and training. Because of this, he is highly resistant, if not immune to illusion spells, telepathy, and other such spells that attack or manipulate the mind. Being far older than his youthfulness suggests, the Apprentice is not a quicksilver individual, and thusly paces his thinking, oftentimes spending an ample amount of time in deep contemplation and thinking so as to come to the solution of a problem. This made him come off as something of a sage or philosopher who would often spend hours gazing at the stars, as though trying to draw patterns within them. Perhaps the Apprentice's [i]greatest[/i] strength is his compassion and capacity for mercy. Respectful of all life, the Apprentice is loath to harm or kill anything if he can help it, always managing to see the good in anyone he comes across, never faltering in his belief that no matter how far someone wanders; they can always be put back on the right path. Lastly, given his years spent under the Sorcerer's training and seeing the world, the Apprentice is a polymath: being a skilled writer, calligrapher, astronomer, scientist, alchemist, strategist, and mediator, making him an invaluable asset should one require intellectual guidance. [b][i]Weaknesses:[/i][/b] A skilled, respected, and accomplished wizard who has traveled and seen much, the Apprentice is human, extended lifespan or not, and thus suffers from his own set of weaknesses. Firstly and perhaps most obviously is the Apprentice's weak health. Having been a rather sickly child since birth, the Apprentice, though attempting to stick to a healthy lifestyle nonetheless suffers from a chronic, racking cough that is oftentimes accompanied by blood. The exact source of this condition is unknown, nor can it apparently be cured by magic, and while it little affects the Apprentice on a whole scale, during a bout he will need to rest for a few minutes to regain his composure; which can prove especially dangerous when in the midst of danger. Secondly, the Apprentice, despite his youthful appearance, is an aged man, and thus occasionally suffers the same drawbacks as other elders do. He can be absent-minded at times, forgetting names of people or places at random. He occasionally has bouts of being cagey or cranky, showing exceptional distaste for loud noises, over-energetic people, foolishness, and people who can't take things seriously. The Apprentice also suffers from debilitating arthritis in his knees, causing a pronounced limp and forcing him to rely on his staff for extended walking or hiking, though he can temporarily overcome this weakness through the use of magic. Thirdly, despite his pacifistic and sage ways, the Apprentice does have a bit of a darker side to his personality. He can lose his temper if pushed too far or if someone annoys him, while also having the capacity to become impatient or irate in certain situations or dealing with certain people. During times where his anger is pushed to its limit, he will strike out with righteous fury (a spectacle that witnesses refer to as rather terrifying). Fourthly, the Apprentice can be secretive and uncommunicative at times, with even those he regularly speaks to regarding him as an enigmatic individual who gives away little, if anything about himself, the Sorcerer, or about the deeper involvements of his studies. While this may not be considered a powerful weakness in itself, it can prove to be dangerous in a group setting where trust and reliance are necessities. Lastly and perhaps most dangerously, the Apprentice is not fast or quick-thinking, rather quite the opposite. He is slow and contemplative, often weighing out each option of a scenario before acting. This can prove to be a devastating weakness when dealing with enemies who use resourcefulness and foresight to their advantage, as the Apprentice is thrust into a situation where he is forced to think on his feet, costing him much of his effectiveness. [center][b][i]Relationships:[/i][/b] [u]Rumpelstiltskin[/u] - [u]Regina Mills[/u] - [u]Kaeden Liddell[/u] - [u]Elizabeth Madden[/u] - [u]Mulan Wu[/u] - [u]Heather Jekyll[/u] - [u]Evelyn Hyde[/u] - [u]Belle[/u] - [u]Ahzidal (The Raven)[/u] - [/center] [b][i]Brief Bio:[/i][/b] Born on a small, insignificant farm at least a century ago, the boy who would become the Apprentice was, for the first few years of his life, a sickly, fragile boy who was always bedridden with some illness or another; lacking the stamina or strength to help his father work in the fields. Because of this, the boy's relationship with his father strained, while he grew closer and closer to his mother, the boy oftentimes helping her prepare meals or clean around the house where he could, already showing a passion for learning and helping others. By the time he was ten years old, the boy and his family were visited by a man dressed in long flowing robes that hid his face, a man who radiated an air of sheer awe, power, and veneration. Introducing himself as the Sorcerer, the man saw in the boy what no one in his family could....a potential for magic. The Sorcerer revealed his intentions to the family: that he had journeyed across The Enchanted Forest and beyond in search of a new Apprentice, someone to be a student, a confidante, and a guardian of the Sorcerer's artifacts. Noting the boy as having the inner talent needed to be the new Apprentice, the Sorcerer took the boy away with him after careful deliberation with his parents. As the years passed, the boy, now known exclusively as the Apprentice, gained extensive knowledge of magic, ancient lore, science, and history under the teachings of the Sorcerer; even uncovering the inner machinations of a life long extended....perhaps even to the point of immortality. Much of the Apprentice's backstory after becoming the Sorcerer's pupil is unknown, as he speaks little of it and no record of it is kept. However, there is occasional reference to a woman long ago...a woman the Apprentice remembers fondly, a lost love, perhaps. Since then, the Apprentice has remained behind the scenes, becoming something of a legend amongst the common villagers and even some of the nobility, with some claiming to have met him in the past, though whether these declarations hold true or not depends on the listener... [/color][/center]