After the corpse had been moved out of the way, the two stood away from the door. Petra took a step back from Hunter as she listened to him speak. She hadn't really been out on the streets but she was sure she could handle whatever they were about to encounter. She had scavenged through the apartment building a handfull of times and had to deal with numerous walkers and unfriendly survivors. However, she knew this was still going to be a challenge. Petra almost chuckled when Hunter asked her if she knew how to use a hand gun. She remembered back to when she was involved with her brother's gang and firearm distribution was practically part of her job description. When she had moved and pursued a more wholesome source of income, she refused to own a gun of any kind. If she knew that the apocalypse was going to happen any time soon, she might have reconsidered that decision. Of course she knew how to shoot a hand gun. But to Hunter, she probably looked like a helpless little girl, despite the fact that she was most likely older than him. It didn't bother her much though - she had bigger problems than what others thought about her. And she understood the stereotype. "Alright. Let's get going then," Petra said. She had little to input at this time and she had no reason to question Hunter about his authenticity. She could tell by his demeanor that he had no intent of wrong doing towards her. He was just a man with a migraine. And a lot of guns.