[hider=Emma][center][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/175243184/large.jpg[/img] [b]What is your real name?[/b] Emmaline "Emma" Byrnes [b]Are you male or female?[/b] Female [b]What is your age?[/b] 14 [b]When is your birthday?[/b] April 22 [b]What grade are you in?[/b] Freshmen [b]What are some of your hobbies and interests?[/b] There is only one thing in this world that will make my lazy butt move. Momma's blueberry pie. M-mm-mmm! Her pie will make you cry tears of joy. Other than that, I love running so I'm so gonna join track and field this year. I'm an outdoors kind of gal - kayaking, hiking, gardening, you name it. Oh, I also love singing but I kind of suck at it...but who cares! I'll sing whenever I wanna and nuthing's gonna stop me. [b]How would you describe your personality?[/b] I think I'm friendly and outgoing but my momma tells me that I'm like a tornado. You know, the whirly thingies in the mid-west. Well, she says that I [b]"talk and eat too darn much for a little kid."[/b] Okay. One; I'm not a little kid so if I hear anyone calling me a nublet or a freshmeat, I'll beat you up. Two; I've got mad skills. I'm also pretty enthusiastic, it doesn't take much to get me revved up. But even though momma says I'm a tornado, some-days I don't feel like being a whirling bundle of energy. I guess I get lonely. Sometimes. Nothing wrong with that! [b]What has your life been like so far?[/b] Life with momma is squeaky fine. Father is gone but I don't really care about him. I was actually born in Virginia, the northern part of it with all that good education and stuff. Well, long story short, I beat up some kids. Don't look at me like that! They started it first and I definitely showed them who was boss. Anyways, some more confidential stuff happened and then momma and Father said they were done. I guess I should have been a bit more nice. Anyways, we moved to Maine when I was 13. Maine is [i]awesome[/i]. Have you seen the lakes? How about the mountains? Oh man. Okay, there's this really awesome spot in the forest near where I live and if you get there just before sunrise...Ahhh, It's amazing.. But I'm not taking anyone with me! Not even momma. [b]What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?[/b] I_Am_Pi [b]What are your thoughts on the project?[/b] Excited! First year in high school so I'm nervous. Just a little bit. [b]Anything else you'd like to add?[/b] ...You got some pie I can eat? Kinda hungry y'know, answering all these questions.[/center][/hider]