Seven shots, that's all he had in the shotgun. When he opened that door he knew the one thing he couldn't do was stop, stopping in the street here would get him killed. He opened the door and Ran! "Move, Move Move!" he took off like there was no tomorrow, Probably because if he did they would die. He stopped once to clear a couple infected in front of him using the shotgun. He didn't have time to hit them with the stock but he did have enough time to shoot them both then keep running. He could tell by how Petra was holding the .38 she knew how to use it, Which was good, the only experience that Hunter had with a pistol was over the last few months of close range target practice in bad moments. The shotgun he could handle, Never really got the handgun down. he made it across the street into the Pharmacy and did a fast scan not seeing any immediate infected he closed one of the two front doors and shouted to Petra. "Hurry in hurry in!" he took aim with the shotgun and fired at the closest infect, Down to four shots. *Please don't run out, please don't run out* was all he was thinking, Why didn't he bring more ammo with him?! Then it hit him... he hasn't been far enough a way from his base camp to worry about that kind of thing. He fired another shot at the closest infected. [@czechmate46]