"You're most welcome." He replied idly to Trey, dusting the collar of his suit. 'Idly' because, in the moments after the Dean came in with Chairman Lewis, his mind was once again delivered towards politics. He had hoped to one day have a word with Lewis, given that he admired the man for their similar ideologies. Not to mention, as a reasonable and sane human being, he was the perfect face for the MutRegAct. He found it disgusting that some loonies insisted that he only wanted to get it passed so that the Mutant Tranquiliser Squad would have more work. He already knew from the whistleblowers on the Internet that Lewis held stock in them, but Lewis was not a greedy profiteer, that much his gut assured him. Besides, the MTS certainly weren't as bad as everyone thought they were, either, which is what he thought of when he heard everyone muttering about the armoured car. A lot of mutants thought they'd start gunning them down on the streets like the Sturmabteilung, but such an idea was reactionary nonsense. They were just a private police force that came equipped with the resources and the training to deal with dangerous mutants; nothing more, nothing less. He shook his head a little bit when he realised that he was supposed to be in a conversation with someone. Having a strong opinion on something tends to distract people. "As a matter of fact, I am. In the dorms, that is." He answered Trey's question, after a few seconds for remembering what the question was. "I believe it is in Room number 107. I made arrangements to have the room to myself, due to... special requirements." Upon speaking those words, he realised he'd started to feel a little cold and sluggish already under his suit, prompting him to tug at his collar a bit. It was always rather tantalising when he was standing out in the bright sun and he was wearing something that blocks it. After this little altercation, he was approached by another Student-to-be, a rather polite girl with furry ears and tail. Evidently the Gods couldn't decide whether to make her like him or not, and stopped halfway. Of course, he accepted any handshakes offered, though grasped her hand loosely to avoid crushing it with his own. "Thank you. I must be honest, I'm no hero." He remarked half-sarcastically in response to her admiration for his apparent act of defiance; it must have looked that way, but he wasn't actually that used to be talked to in a looking-up sort of way. That's when happens when you're a Heel. "I was actually about to leave because these cretins weren't worth my time, but then Trey here got close to them for some reason, and... well, maybe I am a hero after all, heh."