Kyouma sighed at Torako's bravado, unable to comprehend why such an illogical action would be the best one here. After all, in a city of science, the only things that made sense were ones that could be explained; that was how science was, after all. "There's no need in particular to be trying to beeline for a 5, you know. If it was that easy, then I'm pretty sure at least 9/10 of the student population would be there..." he trailed off before gulping. "Which would mean that the city'd have a force that could literally wipe a nation off the face of the planet. It's extremely unlikely." Torako's mention of him picking up the bill, though, caused a bead of sweat to form on his forehead. He had come to assume that everyone would pay for their own dish... "Er... Well... I guess...? I'll pick up the bill as long as you two don't go testing this on your own. I'll be doing my own research on the side, so just let your senpai handle this for now." he said, glancing at his half-finished steak. "...Damn. It's like it regenerates or something. Scary."