[i]Cassidy Lynn Daniels[/i] And....showstopper. Cassidy watched Diego suckerpunch MacArthur with genuine surprise. Burnt flesh and roasting fabric hit her nose and made her face scrunch, her eyes water involuntarily. Uggghh. And down, down, down... For a moment Cassidy's mind sidestepped into something darker. Diego had...there...there was Not-Diego there. Something else. Something beyond. She'd felt it, tiptoe up her spine, some subtle little instinctual warning that Diego had not been behind the wheel when he crashed headlong into Titus. And for a moment, Cassidy thought perhaps they would come to blows, which would then bring her to blows with Lupe, which would then bring her to die. She could not fight the both of them, she didn't think, especially if Whatever That Was went in to kill Titus instead of letting him recover. Still she was not one to die easy or let things such as this slide. She stared at Diego for a moment, watching horror and confusion roll over the boy's face. No. He had not meant this, she did not think. What she'd felt, driving knives into the monster, it had been...terrible. Awful. Fear, but something else. Some kind of primal, visceral joy, like she was waking up parts of her mind and soul that had been lying dormant for centuries, waiting for one of her bloodline to be put in a situation where humans were once again at the bottom of the food chain. It had scared her. But she liked it. She saw a trace of it on Diego's face, and Cassidy thought it was only because she knew what to look for-to see if she was looking at a killer or a murderer. She choked for a moment-a reaction that was both to the nauseating reek of Titus' liquefying flesh and to the feeling of steel in her throat and gut, a three and a half foot length of blade that she swallowed back into its hiding place with a sharp effort. Not today. No killing. "Lupe," Cassidy barked, turning and walking towards the exit. This was something else-something quite else entirely. The boy might die. She'd seen Titus shrug off the heaviest hits from that demon a week back (and once again even in the midst of this little crisis the thought of what could have happened and that deep-gut-fear gripped Cassidy casting a shadow over that scarred face) but he didn't seem to be bouncing back from this one. No sense in counting on it-she didn't know the extent of his powers, how his regeneration functioned. Good chance he was down for the count, that the saw really had cut the girl in half, that the handcuffed man was drowning for real. Cassidy stopped and turned. "I'm going to get help," she said, no more easygoing aloofness. She was cold and serious. "For whatever good it will do put pressure on the wound." Cassidy balled up her coat and began running out of the room, her choice of shoes not exactly expediting the process. Neither was the suit for that damn matter. She decided on perhaps, slightly more practical, if still fashionable, clothing for the future. Given the rather alarming rate of student casualties, it certainly couldn't hurt. [i]Selena Wodan Chilver[/i] Selena gave the lizard a sideways glare at the brownose comment. "Well next time I'll skip the formalities and jump right into the ass-kicking, Odin. Hope you got some reports to fill out for NEST. I'll give you some good shi-" she paused abruptly, spotting a student walking by. "Ah, fuck it-some good shit to put down. Don't curse," she added to the terrified looking sixth grader who'd unfortunately witnessed her profanity. "Eh. I never really cared about job security." A Roach. Hmm. Useful term. She liked crushing roaches, whether they be physical or metaphorical. Selena wasn't a violent person. But her powers-and her disposition, she could not entirely blame it upon her nature-were predisposed towards that struggle. Of establishing supremacy, of vying to see who was stronger, faster, better, fitter. She'd found healthy ways of channeling it-it'd been athletics in high school and college, and now these sorts of jobs, work that'd let her bury herself in the hunt and focus her passion without worrying about collateral damage. She didn't try and repress it-it was who she was. Some people were just born warriors, and Selena felt that itch. She didn't feel home in a place, she felt it in the tension of a nocked bow, or a pistol's iron sights... "Baby sitting me in the woods. You just feeling all sorts of salty today. Fine by me. If you've already got salt, it'll speed up the process when I turn your scaly ass into a pair of boots." She did stop and give him a 'You shitting me'? Look at the time of the month comment. Even between close friends, there were lines. He quickly rectified his mitake, which made Selena chuckle. Henry was just too easy sometimes. "Well, Twilight novel, hey now. I'm not asking you about the Black Lagoon," she grinned, checking through her gear one more time. Selena treated her work with the meticulous professionalism of a seasoned expert as well as the enthusiasm of someone who loved what they were doing. Her shotgun was on safe, without a shell in the chamber. This was a school after all. "Heh, spare vest? From your room? Might be a bit big on me, but I'll give it a shot." She checked and made sure her NEST badge was in her wallet-Selena didn't carry a purse. "Yup, we're clear." she tucked her supplies back into the duffel bag and slung it over her shoulder casually. She wasn't expecting a fight-not in broad daylight-but there was no sense in leaving this out of sight. She'd keep it on her until Henry could hook her up with a vest and some holsters. While the bag had weight to it, Selena was tough. Both of normal human standards, and amongst her powered brethren. "Traps? Getting dirty. Makes sense. Kids lives at stake, after all. Yeah, let's head out. Sitting on that boat made me too long. Eager to see what this Academy's like. And then tonight-fun. Where do you want to start for traps? For hunting I'm thinking through where they might go." This process was somewhat morbid-as I've said, Selena was a [i]huntress[/i], the same way Socrates was a thinker and Picasso an artist. It's what, fundamentally, she was. Putting herself in the mind of a beast was not as far a stretch for her as it may have been for others. If she were to prey upon the school, she'd want somewhere suited to her advantages. She'd want the woods. Tough for them to scour, easy camouflage. Easy to get lost and separated in, harder for radio contact and cell phone reception. But that wasn't everybody. These things are nocturnal and they get inside the school. Outside, there's a hell of a lot of daylight-Selena's deeply bronzed skin was a testament to that (although her heritage helped her tan as well). That left the basement-she figured this place had to have some kind of catacombs or tunnels or something, it just seemed fitting. Maybe a bomb shelter-and for a school of this size, you'd need to get pretty deep. It'd be where she was-relatively easy to get back into the school, and people avoid the spooky underground on general principle. Except, of course, for teenagers looking to prove a point or teenagers looking to, ah, [i]prove a point[/i]. She wondered how many lovebirds had wandered off and turned into monster chow. Plus down there-close quarters. Better suited for a physical beast like that thing. Bow wouldn't be much use, which irritated her. "My gut's saying the basement, if this school's got one. Some kinda tunnels or something. Lines up for a nocturnal motherfucker-it's not getting much darkness outside, at any rate." She walked outside, slipping the key in her pocket next to her wallet. Selena had an athletic body, the taut muscle of years of hard work and testing what her body was capable of. That being said, she didn't do very much to accentuate it-while the outdoors were secondhand to her, a handful of social graces were not, and she'd always fumbled when it came to fashion. Her clothes were warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but that was about the only seasonal variation she had. "Tonight, we kick some ass, roast some steaks, finish this deal up in a week or two. Lead the way Doc. I'll have to start poaching middle schoolers if I get bored."