[center] Roza Vigard Cafe [/center] The young woman had been watching from where she sat, her gold eyes grazing across everyone who entered and all those who left as an ambulance arrived with a police car not far behind it, the officers inside no doubt ready to question everyone who had been inside the café at the time of the incident. At the same time she allowed her brain to wirelessly access the internet and she went digging for information on the girl that they had encountered that day, actually going as far as the fine fan-porn and sites dedicated to her and her two siblings though eventually she found the profile of her online. [i]Nineteen, female, bisexual; match status, unmatched, one pending match.[/i] She blinked, her eyes slowly going back to the gold instead of the glowing green they had when she used her powers; the tattoos and markings on her collarbone died down as well as she looked at the girl. [color=662d91][i]Kairi Akatsumi. . .[/i][/color] Roza thought to herself as she saw the man hand her his card, just like he had when he’d first seen her at that bar with that obviously shady man, warning her to be careful and giving the man a death glare. It had been shortly after she’d turned sixteen, and she had just recently come to the city with her team, and though she rarely left the house, the men had deemed it interesting and more efficient for the women to hit up the cities local places and chat up those around to dig up as much information as they could. She and Amber had set out to hit up the town for the night, just to get hit on and drag as much info on the program, the school and anything else they could get the men to tell them about. They’d gotten separated, and Roza, as she always did when she left the house, got herself in trouble with an older guy as he was just spilling everything he knew about the match program. He’d been a hacker, just like her, though when he had just started to really spill everything he had he realized what she was doing and threatened her; that was when Tetsu had arrived, roughly shoving the man aside to see if she was alright and, naturally, she had ended up calling him later. He came to meet her and they had spent the night together, talking without touching that first time and Roza found that there was someone out there who might call her Elizabeth one day again. The woman looked up from her drink as Tetsu walked back over to her, snapping her out of her thoughts when he spoke and the young woman smiled, just barely, a light twist of the corner of her mouth and she looked at him as he sat across from her again. [color=662d91]“Dinner should wait until it’s actually time for it Tetsu.” [/color]He reminded him, laughing quietly with a glance outside to the early afternoon sunlight.[color=662d91] “Maybe we can just spend the day together.”[/color] She wondered aloud, not really asking if he wanted to though the way she said it made it sound like she wanted to do just that, though she was not the type to say that outright to him. She leaned her head on the palm of her hand as she looked out the window beside the doors, watching not the bodies or the people, but the plants and sky outside. She could look at the people whenever she wanted with the internet and the systems around her, with her gift that was always growing because in a world full of technology she had ever access to anything. [@MThePathSeeker][@ThatWeirdChick] [hr] [center] Kain Hail Rooftop [/center] The young man had not heard the yelling from across the campus, not while he was half aware of his surroundings and not really caring much about what went on while he spent his time alone on the roof. He sighed, blinking open his eyes when he heard the yelling out of nowhere though this time his girlfriend’s voice had joined it and he heard some jeering again and soon the door slammed open and an angry Hikari barged onto the roof to ruin his buzz with some douche looking jock following after her.[color=9e0b0f] “Did he touch you Hikari.”[/color] Was the first thing that Kain said when he saw the man, just as he had finished his smoke and stood up to see his new, very unwelcomed, guests. Fury flashed in his blood coloured eye though he was calm and collected as he held his arms behind his back and watched the young woman approach him and the man follow after her, yelling profanities. The young man was a mere sixteen years of age, smaller than the jock who obviously thought him weak and thin though Hikari would know very well the lean muscle that rest beneath his formal attire. Slowly he took off his jacket and hung it over the edge of the railing while he handed his pistol to his girlfriend though he knew she wouldn’t need to use it. The blond jock grinned and laughed at him cockily.[i] ‘You’re a bitch Hail. You haven’t even held up on your side of the deal.’[/i] The football quarterback went to aggressively tackle him but Kain stepped to the side to easily avoid him, allowing the man to tumble over onto the concrete of the rooftop. It wouldn’t be a long fight if that’s what it came down to and, of course, Kain would have to appease him or kill him sooner rather than later. [color=9e0b0f]“You should have known that it wouldn’t apply to her or the others.” [/color] [@ThatWeirdChick] [center] Claudia Desmond Cafe [/center] Claudia looked up at the man as he moved, sliding himself further into the booth and away from where she was sitting near the end of the other side, her own feet tucked away beneath the bench as far as she could; the sadness in his eyes was apparent to her but she didn’t want to say anything because from her experiences, when you try to mention something like that they hurt you. [color=6ecff6]“It’s not like that…” [/color]She started, glancing out the window, away from his face where she was drawn to look regardless of how much she didn’t want him to see her like this. She couldn’t just be broken when dealing with people, especially if they showed some actual concern, but it was hard not to be when she didn’t know anything but that terrible past. [color=6ecff6]“It was my ex. He showed up yesterday. Not a big deal.” [/color]Claudia smiles beneath the scarf, trying to convince him she was okay, but the smile didn’t show and it never reached her eyes and instead of hiding anymore she looked down at the table and pulled the scarf off of her face and instead let it hang around her neck and brush against her skin. When Connor walked up she had expected him to sit down next to his brother, though he continued to stand and when she raised her eyes slightly he was looking at her and speaking but she didn’t hear it right away through the pounding of blood in her ears. [color=6ecff6]“Hot chocolate and a red velvet muffin,” [/color]She responded after a minute, her blue gaze glued to the table in front of her while her hairs curled up and stayed in her lap. She didn’t want to eat in front of them but she hadn’t actually eaten today since she had expected to go back to her room shortly after the meeting because they didn’t want her and now she was in public with a pair of admittedly attractive boys, unwillingly showing them the few scars that had made it to her face. A section of the scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck, over another bandage though this one wasn’t one she would be able to handle letting them see, not right now; not until it was a scar instead of a fresh wound.[color=6ecff6] “I’ll pay you back later.” [/color]The young woman looked up at Connor and tried to smile, the twisting of her lips awkward and lopsided, one side pulling on the scarring of her cheekbone and twisting her face that little bit more than the unfamiliar action upon her expression. She had missed several weeks of school this month and had only returned a couple days ago as well, so she had no idea of knowing when exactly she had been matched or what she had missed in all of her classes that she knew she had plenty to catch up on now that she was back. She lifted her gaze for a moment, but dropped it again as the smile faded from her lips and she looked down at the table in front of her, afraid and alone even though she was with the twins and the room was gradually filling with people ditching glasses today. [@ScarlettWaters16]