Ignis went right to his task of watching Eli as soon as Helen gave it to him, but fortunately, it didn’t seem to be much work at all. Eli followed of his own accord, so Ignis had to do nothing more than float around him, completely transparent. Since he had little else to do as they moved along, he let his mind wander. The fact that this inquisitor was likely hunting them at that very moment probably should have been concerning, but Ignis found himself more interested in this mansion they had entered. Drake’s mansion was large and fancy, with different varieties of artwork and immaculately shined furniture all sitting in their proper places. Even the floor was made of an expensive rock, accented with that one rare metal that Humans seemed to like. All of it seemed entirely pointless to him; it reminded him of the homes of some of the most annoying people he had met in his existence. The rich owners of these kinds of mansions usually had a certain kind of personality, one that was spectacularly dull. Their only redeeming factor was how hilariously they usually reacted whenever he did something to throw some chaos in to the perfect little worlds they had created for themselves. Places like this, they were the perfect targets. Just as they were getting close to the medical wing, Ignis managed to pay enough attention to see Eli writing his message on the wall just behind the others. Helen would probably want him to rush Eli along, and he would do that…soon enough. For the moment, he took on a visible form and walked up alongside Eli. [color=f7941d]“Oh, I like it. Simple, but really…in-your-face. It’s just too bad they have servants for this stuff.” [/color]He commented before looking up directly at Eli. [color=f7941d]“You know, I think we could have a lot of fun in a place like this, don’t you think?”[/color]