[i]"You were supposed to save us! Be our hero! Traitor!" Was just some of what the many voices that Wrenna was trying to run away from was yelling at her. They had been chasing her after she had escaped from a web built from red strings, and they were gaining on her fast. She was going to get trampled at this rate. She just had to keep running. But up ahead, there were two people blocking her way...Father...and Soreth...Suddenly Wrenna's sword was in her hand...she just hand to get rid of one and she would be free...The closer she got time seemed to slow down, even the bell in the distance seemed to ring slower and slower as well. It was time to make a decision. Wrenna pulled back her sword and swung towards-[/i] [hr] "Ah!"Wrenna gasped, sitting bolt upright and swinging her sword wildly, losing the grip of it mid swing and it ended up going into the wall in front of her. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to figure out what had woken her up since there wasn't anything trying to attack her. then she heard it...A soft knock and Soreth's voice. The memories of yesterday came flooding back, making Wrenna feel even more tired...But she had to get up and face the day. She quickly got up and grabbed her sword before carefully opening the door for Soreth, noticing that thankfully he was alone. She quickly let him in with a sigh and turned back to him. "Morning I guess..." She could only imagine how drastic she looked now from yesterday. Going from heroic looking hero to girl with plain, slept in clothes, dishevelled hair, and a face that obviously said it needed more sleep before it would become decent to look at. At least her looks matched her mood.