Arsenia wakes to the god awful shrieking of her alarm clock and does not even try to stifle the groan that makes its way out of her mouth. “Nope,” she grumbles, her hand shooting out from under the covers to flounder about blindly until it finds the snooze button and hits it. “Up and at ‘em, sunshine,” her father calls from the hallway. “Blgh,” the pink haired girl replies, pulling the covers over her head to complete her cocoon of solitude. “Now,” her dad says in his serious voice, and Sen knows he’s about one minute away from getting the fog horn out. “I’m up,” the teenager responds, rolling out of bed with little ceremony. She hunts around for something clean to wear and settles on a pair of ripped jeans and a white t-shirt before finishing up her morning routine and heading into the kitchen. “I made you some toast. You better get a move on, it’d be a shame if you were late and got a bottom-of-the-barrel summon,” her dad jokes while taking a sip of his coffee. “That’s enough out of you, funny-man,” Arsenia quips as she grabs her toast. She gives her dad a quick peck on the cheek and heads out the door. It only takes the teen five minutes to walk the two blocks to the high school, but she stops short of her destination to suck in a deep breath to calm her last minute jitters. “You’ve got this,” she tells herself before nodding and taking the last few steps to join the other students waiting to be let through the gate.