Soreth entered quickly before he turned back to get a good look at Wrenna. "Ah, good" He stopped, slightly stunned by the appearance of the girl in front of him. She looked so different. She didn't even have her armor on anymore, and he couldn't remember having seen her without it yet. Her hair looked a little wild from having been slept on, but he couldn't seem to think that it actually looked bad at all. Her face told him that she wasn't really in the best state, however, and he began to wonder if maybe he should have waited a bit longer before going to find her. She looked like she had only just been woken up, after all. Shaking his head a bit to return himself to the present, he tightened his wings a little closer to his back and looked down at his feet, a little embarrassed that she probably caught him staring. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I just, um, wanted to be sure that you made it here alright a-and all. Er..." He chanced a glance back up to her face, looking a bit worried. "Are...are you alright? I don't think I had anything contagious yesterday...oh, unless I did end up with a cold, but I don't feel anything quite like that today..."