[hider=Elizabeth] [img]http://ak2.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/y/tid/28395994.jpg[/img] [i]"Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it."[/i] - Oscar Wilde [b]What is your real name?[/b] Elizabeth Laurent [b]Are you male or female?[/b] Female [b]What is your age?[/b] 17 [b]When is your birthday?[/b] January 23rd 1997 [b]What grade are you in?[/b] 12th [b]What are some of your hobbies and interests?[/b] My primary interests involved reading and writing. Yes, you read that right. I have no doubt you have scarcely heard of such an odd phenomenon. In fact, you likely heard something much more doltish and puerile, like gaming, although video games aren't so horrid under the circumstances when the right one is chosen. I must say, I do love the classics. Wilde, Dante, Homer, Shakespeare, Montaigne. I'd find it very surprising if anyone at my high school possessed the intelligence to even enter the same league of literacy as myself. The teachers obviously are not up to this endeavor. That much I am assured of I, as all good people do, love music. I am as cultured as any of my elders would claim to be, and I of course listen to only good, proper music. I have a soft spot for religious chanting, Gregorian and the like, but it's certainly not all I listen to. [b]How would you describe your personality?[/b] Yes, I am insufferable. I realize it, but am I going to change it? No. I refuse to change myself for anyone else. Why should I, a highly intelligent being, bend to the whim of another? It gets lonely, following this ideology, but I am who I am. Now that that tangent is over, let me just say that I may be haughty, but at least I have brains. [b]What has your life been like so far?[/b] Ah, a question about my life. I wasn't expecting this. I wasn't born here, in this sickeningly sweet little Maine town. You see, I hailed from the fatherland, Virginia. Now, I won't go into too many details, but they didn't take too kindly to my kind over yonder. Well once I was out of the closet, it was apparent that I wasn't so welcome anymore. Now, that's not to say anything about Virginia, or rather, the southern society in general. A few rattling rotten eggs can devastate when placed in the proper manner. There's been an apparent metamorphosis since then, regardless. Luckily, Dad had a job offer up north, and that's how I ended up here. It would have been a preferable situation to have arrived in a larger city, but it wasn't up to me. [b]What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?[/b] Montaigne [b]What are your thoughts on the project?[/b] I have never experienced anything so horrible. [b]Anything else you'd like to add?[/b] homosexual [/hider]