[@BurningDaisies][@Ellri] Yep, I'm hoping to get a paper copy of something for convenience. I'm looking at the Numenera website videos and summaries and it's an appealing idea, so I'll bring up both Numenera and Pathfinder when I next see my nerd crew. I'm more interested in the Numenera setting concept right now, and if I order from the US via Australia Post, the Numenera core manual costs the same as the DnD 5e rulebook from the resource shop, so it'd be about what I'm expecting to pay anyway without being at a disadvantage for lack of extra resource books. Pathfinder also appears to be in my price range from overseas ordering (or pricier locally). Question about Numenera- How much depth is there concerning character creation and advancement? The system I'm seeing is, like you said, very neatly streamlined. Is there a fixed list of descriptors and focuses? How much diverse do custom characters feel to make and play?