[hider=Darth Nyiss][b]Name: [/b]Nyiss [b]Species: [/b]Sith Pureblood [b]Age: [/b]59 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Faction: [/b]Sith Empire [b]Rank: [/b]Darth [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/328/8/d/krayta_in_kaas_city_by_archristol_by_blackrain1678-d6viz0b.png[/img] Without the Lightsabers. Clothing varies. Her Lightsaber: [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/2e85/th/pre/i/2015/105/1/4/darth_kration_s_lightsaber__commission__by_magyareagle-d81m9tv.jpg[/img] Voice: Rich Contralto, natural high class Imperial accent. [b]Notable Race Traits: [/b] Natural Force Sensitivity. Natural Dark Side sensitivity. [b]Flaws: [/b] Vain, easily seduced, obsessive with her goals. [b]Skills: [/b] Lightsaber Forms: Form I - Shii-Cho, Form II - Makashi, Form III - Soresu, Form VI - Niman, Jar-kai, Trakata. Bio-engineering, Archeology, among others. [b]Force capabilities: [/b] Basic Sith powers - all at high levels of skill with the exception of Force Sight. Force Lightning (Regular and Chain lightning) Tutaminis (Capable of absorbing blaster shots with bare hands. Capable of catching the majority of Force Lightning. Not Capable of deflecting a Lightsaber.) Force Healing Detoxify Poison Animal Friendship Telekinetic Whirlwind Tapas Force Fear Force Slow Force Drain Sith Alchemy [b]Biography: [/b] Darth Nyiss’ rise to power is not well known among the Sith. She did not appear on the galactic stage until around nineteen years ago, roughly at the time she gained her present rank. What is known about her before that time, is that she is native to Dromund Kaas, like almost all older generation red sith. Her early training likely differed from many modern Sith due to being so far before the war. Her rise was not exactly meteoric, but nor was it slow. The details of what she did to gain her ranks are known only to very few, but rumour abounds that she possesses three holocrons that significantly aided her in gaining her position. Her first well known action in the Galaxy was the command of a rather controversial battle far from the main lines. She was able to break a months long stalemate between Republic and Imperial forces through the orbital deployment of a type of mutagenic gas. The republic force was annihilated, most reduced to unidentifiable masses of flesh, with a few surviving beings but horrifically altered individuals. Roughly forty percent of the Imperial force on the ground also suffered this fate however. Imperial soldiers escorting Nyiss to the aftermath of the attack were reportedly unnerved by her clinical, cold fascination with the results. She spent several years supporting the war effort directly - sometimes as a commander, employing often unusual (and costly) tactics to gain victories in extremely difficult situations. Sometimes fighting on the battlefield herself - bringing her considerable ability with the Force to bear on hapless Republic soldiers and Jedi alike. She did this both to aid the Empire in eventual victory and to gain enough personal favor with the Imperial armed forces to sequester a Harrower class dreadnought and several Terminus class destroyers directly to her command indefinitely. After she acquired the ships, she used them in only one engagement with Republic ships, crushing them handily, before disappearing once again for several years. When she reappeared, she had one less destroyer and a number of highly unusual dark side artifacts in her possession. She travelled immediately to Korriban and transferred the artifacts to her facility on the surface (which she is believed to have acquired sometime before becoming a Darth). Though it is not known what knowledge she extracted from these mysterious artifacts, one thing that is certain is that she gained her eternally youthful appearance when she emerged from studying them. It is believed that much of the knowledge she discovered from these strange artifacts has been distilled by her into three Sith Holocrons. After this venture, she has only occasionally diverted her resources towards the war effort, and always with a specific personal goal, though it was not often clear to onlookers precisely what she was gaining. When not on the hunt for specific items or information, she has spent much of her time on Korriban, split between several archeological digs she controls and her personal facility, with its ever growing laboratories. Much of her research is, of course, private, but it is known that several chillingly lethal bio-weapons have come out of her labs, and that she has a voracious appetite for live test subjects, both animal and sentient. Her most recent contribution to the war is to assist in the attack on Coruscant. With her Harrower class dreadnought in drydock receiving repairs, she instead contributed her Terminus class destroyers, including a heavily modified variant, the Kaggath. As ever, her presence is entirely due to an ulterior motive. In this case, that motive is to obtain Jedi prisoners, as well as more republic citizens to conduct tests on. She has allowed a number of lesser Sith to join her for the return journey, and, seeking a competent individual to become her personal apprentice, has decided to institute a competition of sorts. The Sith who holds her favor, whether by turning the Jedi to the dark side most successfully or by impressing her in other ways, will be allowed access to one of the three Holocrons that contain the sum total of her power. At least until someone else manages to gain her favor. [b]Personality and/or Motivation: [/b] A vain, power hungry woman with perhaps a little too much appreciation for the finer things in life. Nyiss is motivated equally by knowledge (any knowledge) and pleasure, but her ultimate goal is to ‘save’ the peoples of the galaxy… by bringing them all together under a perfect Sith Empire. [b]Player’s long term goals: [/b] Complete the secret experiments. Facilitate Sith rivalry. Provide a ‘boss encounter’ of sorts for any Jedi or Sith seeking the ultimate challenge. [b]Relations: [/b] Association with Lord Callidus. He is one of her more significant agents in Imperial Intelligence. Admiration of Tolun Fi's work. [b]Final Point - Secrets: [/b] The Secret experiment. Contact Sundered Echo privately if you want in on this, but be aware that it will have major, life changing effects on your character if you agree to involve your character in it. By default no one is involved in this.[/hider] [hider=Jewel Namore][b]Name:[/b] Jewel Namore [b]Species:[/b] Imperial Human [b]Age:[/b] 39 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Faction:[/b] Sith Empire [b]Rank:[/b] Sith Lord [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://student.umb.no/~henrgj/Aftermath/Female%20Apprentice[/img] Voice: Mezzo-Soprano, cold and clinical. High class Imperial accent, but to the trained ear it is revealed this is not natural. [b]Notable Race Traits:[/b] Though somewhere far up her family tree there were Red Sith, she has nothing to differentiate her from a regular human, such as found anywhere else in the Galaxy. [b]Flaws:[/b] Unwilling to acknowledge anyone not a Darth is better than her at anything. Handicaps her own Force ability through lack of self belief. Overly cautious - sometimes doesn’t take opportunities if they present too much personal risk. Complete lack of Empathy, calculating the worth of people as though they are objects. [b]Skills:[/b] Lightsaber Forms: Form I: Shii-Cho, Form IV: Ataru, Form VII: Juyo Skill in the use of poisons and drugs on others, as well as the Chemistry needed to create custom drugs. Minor skill in Slicing. Manipulation, particularly blackmail and framing. [b]Force capabilities:[/b] Basic Sith Force powers. Force Wound (extension of Choke). Force Fear Force Slow [b]Biography:[/b] Jewel Namore was born to a common family on Dromund Kaas, capital world of the Sith Empire, nine years before the war began. Her Force sensitivity was identified early, when she was a girl of six, and her parents immediately sent her off to the Sith academy on Dromund Kaas, for becoming Sith is the highest honour any individual can attain in Imperial society, and such a future was far more prestigious than any her parents could’ve given her. during these early years, she was fed a diet of propaganda decrying the Republic and the Jedi, while making the Empire seem like the best thing that had ever happened to the galaxy. The three years spent at Dromund Kaas Sith academy were largely to reinforce this, with many a lecture to her and the other young prospective sith about the history of the Empire and the nature of the Force. During this time she never really stood out, avoiding the ire of the more powerful children but never exhibiting any great displays of Force aptitude herself either. She simply never allowed herself to be challenged by the powerful children by often being the one that would point them at weaklings. Just after her ninth birthday, the war began. The initial assault on the Republic was an incredible success, the Republic being caught totally unprepared and, like any loyal Imperial citizen, Jewel was thrilled to hear this. The most pertinent part of the assault however, was the figurative and practical retaking of Korriban. Though the Korriban facility was not ready for months after the victory, Jewel was sent there as soon as it was. Life changed drastically when she arrived here. The academy on Korriban initially had only the most extreme overseers assigned to it, those whose goal it was to forge excellent Sith or kill the acolytes in the process. She was unprepared for the intensity, but it was adapt or die. Spurred by the recent Sith victories, she drove herself hard to fulfill her overseers demands. It was at this time that her lack of much Force aptitude became painfully evident. Among other punishments, she endured Sith Lightning from her instructors many times when she failed to demonstrate telekinetic feats fast enough, or later on failed to generate her own Sith Lightning. Determined to redeem herself in the eyes of her Overseers and prove her worth as a Sith, Jewel threw herself into her Lightsaber training. She picked up the basics of Shii-Cho quickly, finding the randomised but simple strikes to her liking, though wishing for a more aggressive form to better vent her rage. Her instructors, seeing that, while by no means physically weak, she was still not built for power dueling, began to instruct her in the use of Form IV: Ataru. Though initially the Force acrobatics Ataru required proved difficult for her to incorporate into her movements, excessive practice allowed her to operate at least on par with the other Ataru students. As well as this, she did her best to learn and understand as much Sith lore as she could get her hands on, primarily with the intent of overcoming her perceived inability to easily wield the Force. After a time she proved her ability in combat against the instructors, and was earmarked to become a Warrior for the Empire. To this end, she was promoted to an Apprentice and given training in the advanced Form VII Juyo, as well as limited training in recognising other forms of lightsaber combat. She was promoted to a Warrior Apprentice at the tender age of sixteen, having risen through the ranks somewhat faster than expected of her (and often at the expense of her compatriots) and sent off to the front to fight the Jedi and Republic soldiers. During the many battles she participated in, many Republic soldiers fell under her blade. Not every battle she participated in was a victory, but even the defeats regularly proved costly for the Republic. Over the course of four years, she slew three Jedi Padawans and one Knight in single combat, before being struck down by a Master in a duel. After this defeat, she was rotated off the front lines and given extended Kolto tank treatment to restore her body from the moderate lightsaber wounds. When she was healed, she began to serve on the second line more, currying favour with Imperial military officials and carefully avoiding the attention of her Sith superiors. Though she saw only minimal combat for several years, she spent the time honing her skills on a more theoretical basis, as well as beginning to learn a wider variety of non-Force related skills. At the age of twenty-four she rotated back onto the front lines for two years, slaying a further three Padawans and two Knights in battle. It was not long, however, before her prowess caught the attention of a Sith Lord in need of skilled minions. The Sith Lord recruited her into a covert ops division, initially to provide the heavy hitting power for when her squad needed to quickly deal with Jedi. She learned a great deal from her fellows though, walking the narrow line between respecting them enough to learn from them and still looking down on them for their lack of Force ability. Among them, she learned the art of poisoning, to which she took an immediate interest, and slicing, which she was merely competent with. Here as well she climbed the ranks and impressed her fellows and superiors. One particularly memorable event during this time was a furious duel with a Jedi which ended in a stalemate. The Jedi’s cocky manner ensured that he earned a permanent place in Jewels plans. He would die by her hand, but only when he was thoroughly beaten and broken. Eventually, she was sent on a mission to recover a number of artifacts from a temple uncovered by the war. The mission was personally issued by her patron Lord and without backup. She initially believed it a means of disposing of her, which was probably true, except when she discovered the nature of the artifacts, a plan dawned on her for usurping her patron. The artifacts were lightside Holocrons. This worked even more in her favor because if he actually was a lightsider, it was her duty as a Sith to remove him anyway. Using the lightside Holocrons and the espionage skills she had picked up during her service, she framed her Lord, making him look like a Jedi sympathiser, then had one of her fellows report this further up the chain. With the blackmail in place, Jewel stepped naturally into the space vacated by the former Lord, who was now being taken away, investigated and ‘disposed of’ by people with even more power than him. Taking over a good portion of his network and calling in some favours from her military contacts, she had herself officially proclaimed a Sith Lord at the age of thirty-two. Her power hungry nature demanded that she not stop there of course. Initially she worked on strengthening her power base, ensuring she made few enemies and many friends. Though it cost her several opportunities to grow her power, she favored the slow and steady approach, knowing what happened to many a Sith who did not temper their ambition with caution. She began in earnest searching for a way to gain the rank of Darth in her thirty-fourth year. Competence alone was not enough for such a position. She had to be either truly powerful or truly brilliant. Though it counted for little at this echelon of Imperial society, she continued cultivating her connections with the Admiralty and Generals of the Empire. She began seriously looking into the collection of Sith Lore - something she, until now, had largely ignored in favor of more present concerns. She took and began training several promising Apprentices, using them to keep up her combative skills in between occasional deployments to the battlefield. For a time, in her thirty-seventh year, she even managed to acquire direct control of a Terminus class Destroyer through her admiralty contacts. Three months after, the ship was sabotaged near Republic space by a rival Sith Lord who saw her as a threat. It came under attack by a Republic Heavy Cruiser, Jewel only narrowly escaping in a shuttle, but not before finding and interrogating the traitor that had carried out the sabotage. With the knowledge of who her Rival was, she waged a shadow war with her network, now including several covert ops groups of her own. She discredited her rival at every opportunity, making his powerbase look weak and diminishing his accomplishments. Six months before the attack on Coruscant, she finally defeated this rival once and for all. Meeting him on Dromund Kaas, she poisoned him with a lethal toxin. Rather than let her actions be known and risk paying the price for murder, she instead framed one of his two most trusted Apprentices, making the murder look like just another clumsy attempt to gain power from the lower ranks. The authorities fell for the ruse, and Jewel got away cleanly with the murder. The time between then and now she has largely spent restoring her own power base and putting up a strong appearance to the rest of the Sith world, for the shadow war was not without losses. Most recently, she has turned to the idea of personal power over wide influence to gain her rightful title of Darth. To that end, she has manipulated her way into a place on Darth Nyiss’ latest venture, the prison ship Kaggath, in an attempt to learn from the more powerful Sith. She is eager to acquire the Holocrons Nyiss is offering, for the alternative, attempt to have personal instruction from Nyiss, seems far too much like acknowledging she is not capable of doing it on her own. [b] Personality:[/b] Having combined determination, cunning and a highly versatile skillset with a selfish lust for power worthy of the most Arrogant of Darths, Jewel has climbed over countless other Sith to get what she wants. She has few scruples and will do almost anything to get an edge on her opponents. Above all, she is motivated by a need to feel superior to everyone around her, and so tends to keep them at a distance. For the most part she is cold, detached and haughty, but if sufficiently provoked is capable of great rage, which she controls only through the use of Juyo channeling techniques. [b] Player’s long term goals:[/b] Ruthlessly pursue Darth Nyiss’ favor. Black mail and otherwise eliminate as many of her rivals as possible. End the life of a certain Jedi. Corrupt as many Jedi as possible, to make them see just how wrong about the galaxy they were, and in doing so set herself up as their superior. All of this is only a means to an end. Ultimately, Jewel Namore seeks to gain the rank of Darth, possibly be usurping Darth Nyiss, and in doing so, prove her superiority to the entire galaxy. [b] Relations:[/b] A lasting Vendetta with a particular Jedi she encountered during her covert ops missions. He has gained the dubious honor of being someone Jewel thought she could crush handily and then surviving her onslaught. Should she get another chance, she will ignore everything else to put an end to this man and prove her superiority once and for all. [b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] She hides it as best she can, but she has difficulty wielding the Force while remaining in control of her actions. Regardless of her actual capability, she feels that she is weak in this area and because of the nature of the Force, she [i]is[/i] weak, compensating for lack of raw strength and showy displays by making use of more subtle and complex powers. On the rare occasion that she totally and completely loses control, this self imposed inhibition evaporates. Her greatest fear is that someone will discover and exploit this secret. [/hider]