[center][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140223182014/the-rp-fear/images/5/52/Teenage_Jefferson.jpg[/img] [h3]Aloys Blanc[/h3] 15|Male|5'9 Personality: Cold, quiet, uncaring, aloof. These are just a few words that you could you to describe Blanc. He isnt the type that you will see outside and if you try and talk to him he will most likely brush you off. All around he just isnt a very likable person. He doesn't tend to trust other and will assume the worst out of most people. If someone does manage to get close to him he will be somewhat apprehensive at first, but will eventually lighten up. [hider=Backstory] Blanc did not have what you could call a typical childhood. He never knew his real parents, from what he was told they sold him soon after birth to pay off the debt they owed to some thugs. He wasn't put to work in some camp though, his buyers were a family who had purchased him as a playmate for their youngest son. He was a sickly thing who wasnt able to go outside, thats why Blanc was needed. The two grew up together, took their first steps together, said their first words together, but he was never considered family. Years later when the families boy recovered they had no need for Blanc anymore so they put him to work as a servant. He was groomed into a fine young man and because their sons personal butler. He lived like this for a few more years until after a dispute between him and the son he was sold off again. This time he wasn't so lucky as before. His buyers were an underground fighting ring who would buy children and force them to fight to the death with animals, monsters and even each other. A sword thrust into his hands he was forced to kill if he wanted to live. Victory after victory made him into a fan favorite. Took make things a bit more entertaining they started to throw him into even riskier situations. Two versus one, large monsters, even adults were thrown in the ring against him. Still, he managed to make it out alive through sheer luck. He lived this life for over six years, countless lives had been taken by his hands. It wasn't until he took things into his own hands and killed every one of his captors that he was able to win his freedom. Now the age of 15, Blanc tasted freedom for the very first time. He had no money, no place to go and no knowledge of the outside world. He didn't belong anywhere and he knew it. That was until he found himself in front of Ason High, this was a place that he could start anew. No one there knew who he was. The perfect opportunity was right in front of his eyes and all he had to do was grasp it and never let go. [/hider] [hider=Summon] [img]http://www.creativecrash.com/system/photos/000/069/867/69867/big/DemonicSword1.gif?1259291972[/img] [h3][color=ed1c24]Isiel[/color][/h3]Age: Uknown Gender: Male Size: Small (51 inches) Element: Dark Type: Demon/Object Personality: Isiel is to say the least insane. He's twisted, cruel and only wants to destroy. He is manipulative and has made it his goal to completley corrupt Blanc. Backstory: Not much is know about Isiel and how he ended up in his current state. It is said that long ago that he was a very powerful demon who was feared even in hell. Now thousands of years later he is the sword of a high-school boy. (More to be revealed in RP) [/hider] [/center]