[h3]Fluffy[/h3] Cafe Fluffy sighed, the sale for a cute Lolita dress was to much for him....why did his parents have to cut him off anyway. Maybe a quick show with his key tar would be enough to buy the dress hopefully and there were a lot of students with probably some spare cash for him. He just started in this school with this match program that he doesn’t care of, his parents want him to be what they want them to be and they all act like they still care for him. Sighing again he guessed he has to bear with it and maybe he can find someone who will not mind his hundreds of stuff animals and frilly stocking. Carrying his [url=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/117/7/4/rarity_s_keytar_by_katequantum-d7g62wn.png] special keytar[/url] with him he walked around until passing a cute café. He was a sucker with these types of cafes and always goes to them. Taking out his flip phone that is covered with stickers and sparkles he took a picture of the name of the café to make sure he remembers and went inside. Maybe he could find some stage there where he could perform, it makes quick cash. It looked simple enough for a café, not enough cute things though…hopefully the menu will have cakes with little faces on them and hearts on it. As he entered the café he already knew he was being stared at, a guy like his structure wearing a pink cat hat, a fluffy lilac sweater with ribbons and hearts adorn on it and black cat socks… it would not be hard to not notice him at all. He sat down close to some people talking; they looked like students like him…maybe best to remember their faces next time. So once again he took out his phone and took a picture of each of their faces. Sure that maybe stalker like but that how he remembers things better. He waited for a waitress to come by with a menu, for now….best to see if there is any sales on some shoes….that be nice. He stared at his phone, looking for any of his favorites sotre sites in new shipments or sale are coming in soon.