Hi, just interested in a smaller part. Mexico perhaps? To give America(s) something to do a little closer to home. Seeing as we could be having a fascist America I was thinking that the Mexican Civil War would have been intervened in very quickly (who would want a unstable socialism state on the southern borders?) leaving the Porfidarate in place as some aberrant, pseudo monarchical, fascistic dictatorship now under Porfirio Diaz's son and the country heavily under American influence, even a satellite perhaps. Of course to keep things interesting revolutionary intent is on the rise once again. Of course this doesn't work in its entirety if the fascists were not the dominant faction in American politics at the time. Edit, either that or could I place as some smaller minor fourth faction in the coming American war such as Anarcho-Syndicalists like in the Spanish Civil War or straight up southern secessionists. Or even something straight up crazy like a black nationalist uprising. Oh and don't be put of by my lack of posts I have been in a couple of nrps, including what I think was the first WIR on the site, before the crash under a different name. Edit, plus I have been playing a ton of the Kaiserreich mod for Vicky 2.