The fighter was struck from three different sides, he did not stand a chance. From above came a lightning-blast he had no power to dodge while trying to leap through the air and strike at the Wyvern-riding prince, the electricity jumping from the weapon into his head and electrocuting him. After that, an arrow came flying and hit where it was intended to, the fighter now already injured past the point when he could continue fighting. However, completing the original plan at hand Marwood arrived and swiped him a final cut on the man before he fell defeated over towards the side. On the other side it would appear that the mercenary which was intercepted by Griswal was injured and held his guard against the plate of armor he clearly couldn’t injure, meanwhile Lexa managed to strike back and injure the side of the soldier which had managed to hit her. “…” The mercenary which had yet to join the actual combat looked at what was clearly a losing battle, and then it appeared he made a calculated decision before he span around and dashed for safety. The steps were clear to the two remaining, somewhat injured Jehannans, who exchanged a quick look before making the unanimous decision that ‘this isn’t worth it’, whereas the both of them took steps backwards and hid behind the pillars of the corridors, hoping that the party of escaping Grado individuals would simply pass by without issue. They would obviously still defend themselves should they be struck, but the party should be able to pass by unopposed for the moment should they desire to. “S-sir!” The mercenary that dashed away shouted as he was approaching his Guild Leader at the southern entrance, Morag glaring at him with a relaxed, but mildly annoyed expression with the spiked mace (that somehow counts as a Steel Sword now) over his shoulder. “We need to retreat!” The mercenary called. “The enemy coming down the corridor is too strong! We need to regroup, get reinforcements, alert King Sion and-” Kaplow. There was a stunned silence from the mercenary as he fell over rolling across the floor, having just taken a heavy hit from the handle of Morag’s weapon. The Guild Leader glared after the rolling individual, with disgust in his eyes. “… Lie there, and watch. Sion needs not bother with trifle matters such as this.” Morag glared ahead, something in his eyes telling that he knew a tough fight was coming, but he wasn’t facing away. He held his spiked mace forward with both hands in a stance that anyone would recognize as a stance you should be holding a sword, except he was doing it with a spiked mace, a feat impossible without considerable strength. “I cannot be breached. I am Morag of the Spike Guild.” There were signs of a grin forming under his mask for those with considerable analytical ability. The fighter to his right (also somewhat more capable than the average Spike Guild member) smirked, seeing how his Guild Leader just took the stance he’s the most fearsome and dependable in, and held his axe ready to fight as well. They were ready. On other places on the battlefield, Sion and his two closest men carve their way through the Grado defenses, held back only by the amount of units they can attack per turn while Grado forces run to defend. … And a single female Myrmidon who had not planned on being on this battlefield in the first place had noticed the escape through the western corridors and was now stalking them, because that’s what made sense from a survival point of view. Map [hider=With Unnecessary Stuff][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Clean][img][/img][/hider] Notable individuals: [hider=Blue, Allied Units]Blue Mercenary [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Kalte[/url] – A strong-willed Swordsman who likes to travel. [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Knight [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Griswal[/url] – A proud knight of Grado heritage. Stoic, but empowered. [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Horserider [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Marwood[/url] – A Renais prince with a good heart and a rebellious streak. [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Faithful [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Arathyra[/url] – A sweet young healer from Grado [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Wyvern [url=][img][/img][/url] (Though more cheerful than the image claims~) [url=]Alvin[/url] – Prince of Grado. Gregarious and diplomatic, though a fine warrior in his own right. [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Thief [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Habit[/url] – A Thief hailing from Jehanna who seems unable to refuse any task. [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Pegasus Knight [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Lexa[/url] – A jaunty young pegasus knight from Frelia. Often has her head in the clouds. [url=][img][/img][/url] Blue Shaman [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Aldo[/url] – A shaman researcher and advisor on things magic in service of Grado. Magically gifted and incurably serious. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Dark: D [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Flux, Vulnerary, Guiding Ring.[/hider] [hider=Green, Grado Forces]Green Warrior in Throne Room [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Rioga[/url] – The Court Emperor of Grado. Trusted by his people. Known for catching bandits and trying to strengthen Grado’s military. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Axes: B, Bows: C [b]Level:[/b] 5 (25) [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Steel Axe, Tomahawk Green General to Rioga's right [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Nero[/url] – Commanding guardian of Grado and one of Rioga’s best men. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: ???, Lance: ???, Axe: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Steel Axe, Knight Crest Green Swordmaster to Rioga's left [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Garric[/url] - Skilled Swordmaster in employ of Grado. Excessively cautious about himself. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Sword: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Steel Blade, Killing Edge, Hero Crest [/hider] [hider=Red, Jehanna Forces]Red Hero at Right Corridor [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Sion[/url] – Jehanna’s King of Red Sands, cause of this war. A graceful and deadly swordsman who can seem gentle and/or devious depending on who you are. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: ???, Axes: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Lancereaver, Silver Sword, Wind Sword, Elixir. Red Swordmaster to Sion’s right [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Nethanel[/url] – Second-in-command of the Royal Guild. His swordsmanship and bloodlust is only matched by his adoration for Sion. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Killing Edge, Runesword. Red Berserker to Sion’s Left [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Rhodri[/url] – Brutal leader of the Wheel Guild. An excellent drinking partner who’s jolly personality masks his lack of compassion. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Axes: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Battle Axe, Tomahawk, Elixir Red Mercenary at Left Entrance [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Morag[/url] – The leader of the Spike Guild. Proud, confident and looking for wealth and fortune above all else. [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: D [b]Level:[/b] 3 [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Steel Sword (is what that qualifies as now)[/hider] [hider=Other]Purple Archer [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Archibald[/url] – A friendly poacher who wanders around Grado with his merry band of bandits. Has a hidden dark side. [url=][img][/img][/url] Purple Thief Aiph - Thief with thin, wiry frame assisting Archibald. (As far as I know.) [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Swords: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Iron Sword, I'd assume, possibly something more, I haven't given it any thought. Purple Fighter Darius - Right hand-man of Archibald with a gruff voice. (As far as I know.) [b]Weapon Mastery:[/b] Axes: ??? [b]Level:[/b] ??? [b]Equipment and Items:[/b] Iron Axe, I'd assume, possibly something more, I haven't given it any thought. Green Odd Guy in left corridor [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Ret[/url] – A Mage from the rural mountains of Caer Pelyn, uncivillized yet seemingly the honorable sort. [url=][img][/img][/url] Green female Myrmidon who I figure would be trying to gtfo after you guys [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]Narina[/url] – A defiant woman born in Jehanna but raised in Renais. [url=][img][/img][/url][/hider]