[quote=@RPforthatPR] [hider=Mystyasa] Name: Mystyasa Species: Human Age: 17 Gender: Female Faction: Jedi Temple Rank: Jedi Padawan Prisoner Appearance: [img]http://guide4games.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Star-Wars-Bastila-Shan-Painting-02.jpg[/img] She's quite short, with a thin but curvy and muscular build. She prefers to keep her hair quite short to avoid it getting in the way during combat. Notable Race Traits: (If you chose any Alien race who might have any special, notable traits or beyond human then list them here. If human, feel free to ignore it) Flaws: -Opinionated -Stubborn -Indiscreet -A bit naive, prone to manipulation Skills: Very fit and quite strong, she considers her agility her best prowess. -Shii-cho form, Ataru, favorises two sabers (she has yet to build her own so uses spare ones) Force capabilities: -Horrible with force persuasion -Good-ish use of Force speed and push Biography: Mystyasa was born on Coruscant, and when her parents saw her prowess with the force, they sent her to the academy. There she trained for a few years, from the age of 8 to the age of 11, where she became a fully fledged padawan assigned to a master. A few years later this master died in combat during the Kanz Disorders, and she's recently been reassigned to a new master; Sela Kythor. Personality and/or Motivation: (explain how your character works. What makes it tick? What sort of quirks are there?) She's quite stubborn, even a bit arrogant. She rarely veers off course and doesn't let things get in her way. She's also naive, though, and has been tricked into doing things before. She dislikes the order's code but enjoys learning more about the force and mastering it, and takes a quite neutral stance on the Jedi-Sith conflict. They're both force users after all. Player’s long term goals: (If your character should survive, what do you see him/her do in the long run? are there aspects you want to explore, stories you want to tell? Feel free to pm the GMs or make a small paragraph summary here. Keep in mind, this rp explores the contrasting aspect of both Jedi and Sith views as well as the areas where they blur.) Mystyasa would like to see a new type of Jedi Order, which allows for emotions to be used (but not to the point of corruption or darkness). She would also like to achieve ultimate mastery of the force, and become one with it. Relations: -She's met and has started to like Sela's old padawan (now a fresh knight) Xid -A newly appointed padawan of Sela's, she has yet to get to know her well but hopes to form a friendly relationship [/hider] [/quote] Looks good and approved on my end.