Name: Lazarus Desimone Age: 15 Gender: Male Height: 5 and 1/2 Picture: [hider=Lazarus Desimone] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: The most negative person you'll ever meet. He's cold hearted and has little thought for others feelings. The only time he does this about there feeling is when their hurt, emotionally or physical, which he finds joy in, or when there happy which he finds aggravating. He will go out of his way to make some feel some emotional pain but learned not to hurt anyone physically for that would cause more trouble than it's worth. Bio: His life, in fact his world is very cruel. His father was a alcoholic and was abusive to both him and his mother. They went under a huge amount of debt and thanks to his father, it was all under his mother's name. One day he left and disappeared off the face of the earth. His mother tried working but when the stress became to much she threw herself off a cliff. After a few weeks the police found the body and after the investigation the confirmed it was suicide. They told him what happens he finally decided that this was the world. They picked up the and threw him in a orphanage which the caretaker was extremely strict. After a few months in what most kids called the orphanage hell, he was adopted by a more abusive family and treated him like dirt. School was his only refuge but even then he was bullied for "being to smart." They eventually got bored of picking on him and moved onto someone else. Now he's in high school as a freshmen at Ason Academy: School of Summoning [hr] Summon Name: Retorikā Age: Ancient considering he forgot how old he is. Gender: Acts like a male but doesn't have a Gender. Size: based off how much negative energy there is within his radius. He's about five feet alone with. Usually six feet when with other people. Picture/Description: [hider= Retorikā ] [img][/img] [/hider] Element: Darkness Personality: He feeds off the people's negative energy so obviously he's going to be the most positive person around. He trays so hard to bring the mood up but usually brings it down. He's pretty carefree and wouldn't hurt a fly, but when given a order by Lazarus he will show no mercy. Even though Lazarus is a bad person Retorikā finds he must protect him from more suffering as much as possible.