[h3]Lady Lobo[/h3]Overhearing Flood talk about her she whirled around, nearing falling in the process. "[color=lightblue]I was not trying to get anything from the students. They aren't nearly unique enough to warrant my expertise. I wanted the Kryptonian and Martian samples mostly. Humans are so... so boring.[/color]" She glanced at Estella again. "[color=lightblue]Though she also fits the criteria. A rare alien species just waiting to make a comeback.[/color]" Her attention wandering she seemed to be daydreaming. [h3]Estella[/h3]This was the second time that the crazy woman mentioned her being rare in some fashion. What exactly did she mean but that? Stepping closer she crossed her arms. "[color=lightsalmon]What do you mean rare? My people aren't from anywhere near here. How would you know anything about them?[/color]" Somehow she couldn't believe that Lady knew about her homeworld. [h3]Lady Lobo[/h3]Shaking her head she rolled her eyes. "[color=lightblue]How out of touch can you be. They were practically wiped out after their fifth Interplanetary War.[/color]" Glancing at Estella the shock on her face conveyed that she didn't know about the battle. It couldn't have been that long ago in her species history. How could she not know about it? "[color=lightlbue]Wait, you seriously didn't know? Have you been living under an asteroid? That was like a hundred years ago.[/color]" That drew an even bigger response and Estella's stomach dropped. [h3]Estella[/h3]Two wars? She missed two interplanetary wars during her flight here? Covering her mouth she turned and stepped away to compose herself. She hadn't heard anything about her world since arriving on Earth. This was an extra shock to an already bad situation. The only difference was that there was absolutely nothing she could do for her people. [@floodtalon] [hr] [h3]June[/h3]"[color=green]You'll be out in an hour. Sit tight while I get the arrangements set for you.[/color]" Motioning that they were done the officers came back in to escort Reinhardt back out. "[color=green]See you soon.[/color]" Once they were clear and back at the front office she handed the warden the docs to get their teammate. Looking at Nicholas she smiled slightly. "[color=green]Alright, so we'll have our third shortly.[/color]" [@Eviledd1984]