[@Genni] These GM responses are usually written by multiple GMs by the way. On nickname: How about her nickname being based on something she did, rather than her name? Maybe something about how she jumps about? Good on the atmosphere, acrobatics, planet name and guided towards guardian stuff. The bits about referring to anakin/Yoda Confused [@Sundered Echo] a bit. He began to think you thought the RP was movie Era. It is to avoid confusing people that we recommend avoiding referring to unborn folks. The thing with Jedi healing and medical care is that the best of the best aren’t on Coruscant. They are on H’Ratth, as that is the place where the best healers are trained and reside. What we’re suggesting is that you have her having gone there (H’Ratth) first to be treated, maybe spend a bit of time there too, then eventually go to Coruscant for some reason (you can no doubt figure something out, and yes, it can be secret from the other players if you want) before being deployed back into the war. The Sacking and capture prevents that redeployment. An added bonus of spending time on H’Ratth is the option of creating new connections with other players. There are a few others also recovering from war injuries and such. The Short shoto sabers can just as well block and deflect as larger sabers can. They just don’t have the same reach. Still, if you prefer to have Force Deflection rather than Tutaminis then that is fine. Its Jedi reflexes combined with lightsaber (of whatever size) that helps with deflection, not the size of the saber alone. 6-7 years is perfectly common age for someone to be taken in by the Jedi in this era. They’re not as strict in this era as they are in the movie era as age goes. Still, your idea works as intended - though many of the children taken at such an age get over the bonds they may have formed, it may impact more or less on individuals. With the War still young when she was taken, the Jedi may not have been able to give her the appropriate care for one taking the separation hard. The council isn’t opposed to relationships so long as they are healthy. Jedi having children is, after all, a fairly safe way to get more Jedi later. Force potential is hereditary. The one thing they do stop is parents training their own children. The council doesn’t go about killing someone’s partners. Not only is it not something they’d do, but it would also set the “widow(er)” on the path to the dark side. In the case of your character, with non-force sensitive parents, there would still be reasonably enforced separation from her parents, at least until her adulthood, at which point her duty would largely keep her away from them.