[center] [hider=Alvern Odhran Green] 1) Basic info: [b]Name[/b]: Alvern Odhran Green [b]Team/occupation[/b]: [b]Species:[/b] Faunus [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Handedness:[/b] Right [b]Aura/Effects:[/b] Forest Green [b]Symbol:[/b] A head of a panther on a canvas of green fire [b]Physical traits:[/b] Panther ears peek out of his dirty blond hair, and he has really long canines, and cat-like pupils [b]Misc traits:[/b] He has a tattoo of his symbol on his back [b]Nickname(s):[/b] Cat Eyes Long Shot 2) Appearance: [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 175 lbs [b]Eyes:[/b] Gold [b]Face:[/b] Alvern has wide cheekbones with chiselled jaws and hollowed cheeks, along with a broad chin covered in a small beard. [b]Hair:[/b] Dirty blond and goes down to his shoulders [b]Physique:[/b] Alvern has an athletic build, his whole body covered in lean muscles [b]Combat Outfit:[/b] An ankle-length, high collared dark green coat over a black shirt and grey pants, along with green fingerless gloves and black boots. [b]Casual Outfit:[/b] Beacon uniform. 3) Characteristics: [b]Personality:[/b] Alvern is quite the forgiving young man. A person can offend him, and as long as that person apologizes, Alvern will act as if the offence never happened. That isn't to say he's a push over; he will stick up for himself and others if he sees a person abusing him or his kind for no good reason, and although he's forgiving, he deals harshly with those who are prejudiced against him and the rest of the faunus. He reasons that when a person insults him, he can brush it off, but when they insult his kind, they're insulting all faunus which is something he can't forgive, and he can get quite heated when he comes across bigots. Along with his forgiving nature, is his kindness. Alvern will go out of his way to make someone smile, as his father taught him that personal happiness comes from sharing it and making others happy. He lives by this, and can sometimes get caught up in trying to make everyone happy which only ends up making his life harder than it should be, and even though he's aware of what he's doing, he can't help but try to make those around him happy. The only exception to this are those who are unkind to the faunus. Alvern is also quite a pragmatic individual. If he is given orders to do something, he will do them without question despite what he may feel. He finds comfort in this, as it is his pragmatism that keeps him from becoming like the White Fang. If he's ordered to protect a bigoted human, he will do so and won't hesitate to complete his task. This does leave him quite frustrated a lot of the times however, so he's often seen practising with his weapon to blow off steam. [b]Background:[/b] Alvern grew up in a Faunus community within the Kingdom of Vale, and is the second child in his family. Both his father and mother were hunters, and seeing how strong and dignified they were, especially as faunus, he wanted to become a hunter as well. He voiced his wishes to his father, who took the news well and began teaching Alvern about discipline and fortitude, as his father said it was those two things along with instinct above all else that made a great hunter. He also taught him about patience, and how to use it in his advantage against all kinds of enemies. When he was old enough, his father sent him off to Signal Academy where he began his first official training as a hunter. In his third year at Signal, the class was given leave to go home for an extended break of several months. When he went home, he told his siblings and parents about his time at Signal, and how he enjoyed the many classes on fighting and Grimm theories; he would stay up with his siblings tell them of his adventures in the school, and of all the mischievous things he would do with his friends and all the pranks they would pull on other students. A few weeks into his break, Alvern's father took him to a large city that was predominantly filled with humans, and all the while he was there, he felt a tension in the air coming from the humans, and even saw a few looking down at him and his father in disgust and contempt. Then, a large group of Grimm attacked the city without warning. Chaos and panic filled the streets as people fled from the giant, black creatures. Even Alvern's father fled, but not away from the Grimm, but towards them his weapon in hand. Alvern watched from his position as his father fought against the evil creatures single handedly to save a city of humans, a city that hated and despised his kind. The fight lasted several long minutes, and when all of the Grimm were slain, Alvern's father didn't return. Fear struck the young faunus as he thought the worst and ran towards the site of the battle where he saw his old man bleeding on the ground with both of his hands ripped off. He tried to help his father, but knew that he wasn't in any way fit for something like this and called to the humans to help his father, but none of them responded to him. He even left his father's side to seek aid from them, but they turned their backs on him. When he went back to his father he taught Alvern his final lesson, that as a hunter he was meant to protect the people no matter who they were or their feelings towards him. His duty as a hunter came before his own desires, his father told him that if he couldn't live by the codes of a hunter, then he had no business being one. The first few years after the death of his father was hard on Alvern, he became rebellious and started hanging around White Fang rallies. However, it was the reminder of one of his teachers at Signal Academy that brought him back, after reminding him that his father didn't die in vain, that he died protecting people and it wasn't the place of a hunter to go and seek glory. He eventually graduated from Signal and made a modified replica of his father's weapon and named it [i]Green Thorn.[/i] 4) Combat info: [b]Position/Class:[/b] Assassin [b]Landing strategy:[/b] When he's close enough to the floor, he uses the bow form of Green Thorn to shoot a crystal-tipped arrow at an angle onto the ground that propels him forward and lands in a roll. [b]Weapon:[/b] [i][u]Green Thorn:[/u][/i] Green thorn is a set of twin long katanas that are a few inches longer than three feet, and has a green and black coloured blade with a white and black hilt; when the weapons are connected at the pommels it turns into a spear about a yard in length with short, wide blades on both ends. Within each pommel is a thin black string that can shoot out and connect to a small nook on end of the opposite pommel, and the blades are able to slide inwards into a metal rod that can latch onto each other allow further transformation the weapon into a bow for long range combat where he uses crystal tipped arrows that are within a quiver in his back. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i][u]Teleport:[/u][/i] This semblance allows Alver to teleport to locations he can see with his own eyes without the aid of any enhancements, like telescopes and binoculars. [b]Fighting style:[/b] Alvern's fighting style is usually going in and engaging for a few quick seconds before withdrawing to use his bow, and closing in again at a different angle, and withdrawing just as quickly in a continuous cycle. Sometimes he may stay at a medium range from his enemy and use his spear. 5) Trivia: [b]Relationships:[/b] [b]Notes:[/b] He is extremely fond of granny smith apples. And apple pies made with granny smiths. [/hider] [/center]