[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/3f/28/793f28ebd6631cb5ac1927c0fd9a7c83.jpg[/img] = I am not lonely. Simply alone. Familiarise yourself with the difference, dimwit. = What is your real name? Tayika Craig Are you male or female? Male What is your age? 17 When is your birthday? 6 January What grade are you in? Twelfth What are some of your hobbies and interests? Chemistry experiments, dissections, reading widely-recognised theory papers and novels half the population currently undergoing pubescent transformations have never heard of. And no, I was not responsible for the scalpel and beaker of hydrochloric acid going missing from the laboratories. The culprit happens to be the same person whose locker is home to well-sought-after contraband, which would make for an incredible scandal if I told you so, hm? Such pedestrian transgressions. I have no business coveting or pilfering such possessions. How would you describe your personality? More brilliant or interesting than the lot of you, which is why I prefer to avoid company, and company avoids me. If you desire an answer that is more politically-correct however, you may say I am intelligent, requiring constant stimuli, and unable to hesitate at the thought of tearing another asunder if they display a level of intellect below that expected of a Homo sapien. Some have called me ruthless, or enigmatic. They are simply weak-willed, bland creatures. I am still more brilliant and interesting than the general populace, however. That is not to be debated. What has your life been like so far? Boring. Dull. Mundane. Need I go on? It would be worse if people tried to be [i]friendly[/i] with me, but I can count myself fortunate in that respect. What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)? Bored What are your thoughts on the project? It is a construct meant to engage the social outcasts of the school who would not be social outcasts if the education system were more competent at moulding character and holistic development, and whatnot. But I suppose that is neither in the job description nor an occupational hazard of a sub-salaried educator. Anything else you'd like to add? The school requires more advanced laboratory equipment. Conducting experiments here is akin to knocking together stones in the bowels of a cave. And a revamped library. The likes of Marx, Pavlov, Watson and Freud would suffice.[/center]