[center][h1]Liandrich, Varron I[/h1] [h3][i][color=SteelBlue]the Fighter[/color][/i][/h3] [color=coral][b]17[/b][/color] [color=SteelBlue]Male[/color] [color=coral][b]Straight[/b][/color] [color=SteelBlue]Human [/color] [color=coral][b][i] Warloving, impatient and the worst ladies man you can ever imagine. Liandrich never got much attention from his father, the King. After a while he thought that it was because he was not worthy of his attention. Thus Liandrich began to train. And train. And train He got increasingly less patient. He's not very polite, and that much was clearly shown during the latest ball. Where Liandrich was supposed to see who he would want as a fiancé. Saying he was blunt and rude is an understatement. Several girls actually left the dance floor crying. His mother often glared at him for that. But deep down, he's just uncertain. From the day he was born he had known 2 facts: he will one day lead the kingdom and his father never had time for him. He feels insecure and fears he will not live up to his father, who got the title: 'the Great'. So he's learning and reading and fighting. And while he loves fighting, he would die for his books. But no King that locked himself into his room reading books ever gained honor. [/i][/b][/color] [i][color=SteelBlue]He’s 6”0’ tall (1.82 meters). So he’s pretty tall for his age. He’s also quite muscular. Having fought and trained gave him a slender and agile look. Though the fighting does take a toll. He has a scar just below his chest. A long one. His face though is surprisingly without scars. He prefers to keep his brown, messy hair as short as possible without upsetting his mother. His eyes are a little deeper than usual, casting a shadow around them. His iris is a blackish brown. So dark that most can’t see when the iris stops and the pupil begins. [/color][/i] [color=coral][b][i] When Liandrich was born, all the bells in the capital rung. The celebration lasted for quite some time and everyone was happy. But be it fate or misfortune: soon after his birth the Mer-People were spotted again. Some blamed him. And thus his youth began. Almost without a father, for that man never gave him attention. Thus planting the first seeds of what would become David's character. No matter what his mother did, he would never look like her. At the age of 9 he already fought with the boys of half the castle. Everytime a great lord comes with his child, David would fight him. Not because he likes fighting (he does but that wasn't the point) but to establish his dominance. At first he lost. Quite a lot. But he kept pushing himself and at the age of 12 he had fought and jousted with most of the sons of the great lords and even against opponents 5 year older than him. He won most rounds. The daughters of the great lords he didn't even glance at. Literally! At the ball his behaviour came out. He arrived late and still in his leather armor. This armor is normally worn under the metal plates and chainmail. So the message it was sending was clear: he was just back from training. He stank of sweat and dirt. Never the less the girls wanted to dance with him. He refused them. Until his mother forced him to dance. At which he deliberatly stood on toes, made wrong moves. One girl, as beautiful as she was stubborn, didn't want to stop dancing with him. A few turns later and he 'accidentally' dropped her in a fountain. The day after that was a lot more eventful. A tournament. David fought like a beast in plated armor. He forced the participants to defend themselves first, exhausting them before he delivered the final blow. When he won first place, he was handed a ribbon and was ordered to hand it over to the most beautiful girl. He tied it to his horse. [/i][/b][/color] [/center]