"Kun-dish-uh-ning..." He repeated slowly. His accent was still apparent but at least he knew how to pronounce it now. "Economics or conditioning." He pondered out loud as he tried to make the wisest decision. "I do have all of life to learn about fiancé's and produces, same with fitness... So which one do i want to learn first." Veit questioned under his breath, ignorant of the mistakes in his words. Veit thought about economics, learning about finances and how the transfer of wealth affects people seemed interesting. But he didn't rule out conditioning, he wasn't a big health nut but he did need to be in better shape. Veit was on the brink of frustration, it was a choice between what he finds interesting and what he finds more practical. The deciding factor turned out to be Quinn's statement, having a friend in a course will make things easier. He checked off conditioning. He was ready to take on the last course in his schedule when Quinn's last statement sparked the competitive nature in him, he grinned and chuckled, "You wish." He said playfully. He stuffed his paper in his back pocket and spoke up, "I bet you can't even reach 45 Meilen pro Stunde, if you are not faster than an automobile on a sidewalk, than out running I will be hard." Veit finished, laughing slightly