Hehe :p It's fine, though I can't find the part of her CS where I wrote that now o.o Also, are you sure you're fine with her views upon the Dark Side of the Force, Ellri? I can change it to mix better with the mainstream philosophy if you think it's for the best. [hider=Jedi Master Kinsakwi'tetsu] [b]Name: [/b] I am Kinsakwi'tetsu. You may call me Master Tetsu. [b]Species: [/b] Twi'lek. [b]Age: [/b] I'm 39 years old. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Faction: [/b] Jedi Order [b]Rank: [/b] I'm a Jedi Master, though I specialized as an Investigator. We're not fighting a war against just the Sith, we're fighting a war against growing Crime too. [b]Captive? [/b] I'm not a captive, I am one of the Jedi who are going to rescue the prisoners. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] http://orig15.deviantart.net/2cff/f/2015/080/0/a/rachi_sitra2_by_carlospcastro-d8mn59a.jpg [/img] [b]Notable Race Traits:[/b] I'm a Twi'lek, so I'm rather flexible. At least, I think that's one of our racial traits. Otherwise, I've got my lekku. They're more of a burden now though, since I always have to take great care to keep them protected while in a fight. [b]Flaws: [/b] Even though I'm a Master Jedi, I still am an Investigator and I'm mainly sent to deal with criminal organizations. Compared to other Masters in the Order, I have little experience fighting against the Sith, and it cost me two fingers the first time I fought against one. Blocking or redirecting force attacks unleashed upon me is difficult. I'm not close to many, so the ones I'm actually close to, I often appreciate a lot more than I should. [b]Skills: [/b] I specialize in the Ataru lightsaber form, though I also have a certain skill in Soresu, which I forced myself to learn after a fight with a Sith Lord in Tattooine. My lifetime spent dealing with criminal organizations has sharpened my intuition, observation, persuasion and also expanded my contact list enormously. I've had to learn many slicing and lock picking techniques over different cases, though I usually have a professional slicer to do the dirty work for me. I've mastered meditation, going to the point of meditating at least for an hour every day. It keeps me calm and level-headed and allows me to resist the dark taint that shines from the cores of criminals as well as the Dark Side within the Sith. [b]Force capabilities: [/b] I've mastered the basics and in fact I'm rather effective with them but as I've mentioned before, I struggle with the defense techniques. Among my best capabilities are Force Jump and Force Speed. I have a lot of field experience in the area of [b]force persuasion[/b] (mind tricks), too. It isn't a surprise that most criminals have vulnerable minds. I also find [b]Force Stun[/b] to be particularly useful when bounty hunters try to gang up on you. [b]Biography: [/b] I was born to a slave in Ryloth, like many others before me. From the get-go, I was destined to be a slave as well. I would end up being an exotic dancer, prostitute and if I was good I would work with higher clients. At the age of 4 years old, though, my slaver's hideout was reached by a Jedi. A twi'lek, too, but he was old. It still didn't keep him from deflecting the blaster fire from the thugs and cutting through them like butter. After that fiasco, and after the Jedi confirmed it was me amongst the bunch of other children that was the force sensitive one, I was taken to a Jedi Temple. It wasn't the one on Coruscant, because apparently it was rather full at the time. Instead, it was a Temple in a planet on the outer rim. I stayed there until I was twelve years old. Eventually, I was sent away to meet the Jedi whose Padawan I'd become. This Jedi was in Coruscant at the time, so I packed up my few possessions and boarded a shuttle. Many other younglings around my age were there too. Mere minutes after we took off, though, just as we were about to jump into hyper space, we were attacked. I remember screaming, running and numerous tall forms clad in dark robes. Then nothing more. When I woke up from unconsciousness, I was in a different ship and on my way to my original destination, Coruscant. Only me, five other younglings and a Knight had survived. I was received on Coruscant. Our training continued as usual and I soon got over the traumatic experience. I became Master Tatsotan'tekwi's Padawan, an old and wise Twi'lek Investigator. By the time I was 18 years old, I presented my Knight trials and became a Knight. Life from then on becomes somewhat repetitive in the big scheme of things. For ten years I'd move around the Galaxy, assigned to different cases and solving nearly all of them. I walked down the path of my Master, soon enough becoming an expert Investigator myself. I was such a good investigator, that the Jedi Order deemed me more useful dealing with Crime than I would ever be dealing with the Sith. Whether it was because they knew something I didn't or because I was great, I don't know. Then I got a Padawan. It was a big responsibility, and even while meditating hours at a time, I remember feeling nervous about it. It turned out fine in the end. Sure, I messes up a few times, but the Padawan became a Knight after six years with me. From ages 34 to 35 I did my own thing, which included setting up a small diner in the Twi'lek area of Coruscant's deeper levels. Then I got a new Padawan, Shiri'Inillim. She's... Quite the case, but she shows promise, and this time I'm not as nervous. Things kept on as usual, me teaching Shiri my ways as an Investigator and taking her on numerous cases, even a few of the dangerous ones. Then two weeks ago, we visited Coruscant. I stayed there for a few days on business, and just as I was about to leave with Shiri, a fellow Master, Master Sela, asked me to lend Shiri to her for a while. I agreed with no hesitation. Now, I hear that Coruscant has been attacked - Sacked - and there's no sign of survivors. I'm on my way back to the planet. I have to find Shiri, she's my responsibility. [b]Personality and/or Motivation:[/b] I owe my life to the Jedi Order, to the Light Side. I am determined to see Light prevail over Darkness, even if I have to kill every single Dark Force User who stands in my way. To me, nothing is more important than seeing the Dark Side and its users eradicated from the face of the galaxy. The Dark Side is merely a deviation from the original state of the Force, after all. The life of my subordinates, though, are also really important. They're men and women with families to feed and children to tuck in at night, so nothing is more important to me than bringing them back alive after a mission. I am a cautious Twi'lek, with a head for safety margins and back-up plans. If I feel something's not going to go according to plan, I devise an emergency measure, and if many things go awry in the middle of a mission or I smell the possibility of catastrophic failure, I'll immediately abort the mission. [b]Player’s long term goals:[/b] If Kinsakwi is forced to kill more than two Sith during the rescue mission or if her Padawan is killed by them, she'll become steadfast in her belief of bringing balance to the Force by destroying the Dark Side. She'll distrust anyone who shows signs of a wavering stance in the Light Side. If Kinsakwi's Padawan turns to the dark side, Kinsakwi herself will attempt to end her life while fighting her own inner conflict, whether bringing balance to the Force is more important than her Padawan's life or not. [b]Relations: [/b] - Sith Lord Sish: He never formally introduced himself, nor did I introduce myself to him. As soon as I saw him, I knew he was one of the darkest beings I'd ever feel. We engaged in battle and he took two of my fingers, but I took one of his eyes. I hope I run into him again one day so I can rid the galaxy of such a dark presence. - Jayda Myrthios: A girl under Sish's influence, or rather, under Sish's oppression. A part of me believes she is his hostage and another part of me felt a growing darkness within her. She's an interesting case. - Jedi Padawan Xid: He's a nice kid, if only a bit too nice and mellow. I met him in a Corellian ship by coincidence. I heard he's recently turned into a Knight, but I also heard he was in Coruscant by the time of the Sacking--He's one of the reasons I took my latest assignment, his Master is a friend of mine and she was not able to accept the mission herself. - Jedi Padawan Shir'Inillim: She's my current Padawan and a rather... Interesting... Case. She learns quickly and respects me enough to heed my advice sometimes, but she's hot headed, and I fear for her sometimes. I feel a vulnerability in her, as if there was a taint of the Dark Side in her, but it's been diminishing the longer I train her for. I have high hopes for her, I believe she can make a great Jedi Shadow one day. [/hider]