Sorry I haven't been more active. Work, work, impromptu date, dad's birthday kinda wrenched my week. [@Alchemist] All right, first I support any criticisms my co-GM may have brought up. He is in that position for a reason. So I can confirm everything he has put forward. Now as for the edited sheet, I will bring up my own points. - First of all, she needs a last name. I don't care if she calls herself Snow, Sand, whatever. Madonna would use her real name to register for something like this. She needs a full name. - The contradictions in character are rough to balance. She's kind to the point where people take advantage of her, yet shy and untrusting. Does that mean she judges character that poorly? Can't be, since you say right after "she's been known to read others well." The patient yet reckless line, I'm willing to overlook, because I believe I can see where you're going with that, but you're veering dangerously into a case of Meredith Brooks Syndrome (I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother, etc.) - Orphaned on it's own is sketchy, especially if you're giving her access to a bunch of materials to allow here to be a mythology expert and a martial artist. Giving her a direct link to multiple established canon characters is sketchy as well, definitely to the extend where you're claiming one as a brother and another as a step father. - Amnesia is one of the defining Mary Sue character traits, and I'm definitely not having that. - Your starter Pokemon would be at level 5. - Aura in general is a subject I'm not looking to bring into this RP. It just adds stacked on layers that is going to be lost in the main plot. I don't see a way to incorporate it without bogging it down more than my current life schedule is already doing. - Nitpicking, but the English graduate in me sees the writing with all the capitalization in random places, and spelling errors, and I die a little inside. [@Shiny Figment] - There are some editing errors in here as well "somethe, ofthe, himso" Other than that it looks pretty good. Welcome aboard. Place your sheet in the characters tab and go try and convince an angry Gary Oak to give you a Pokedex.