[quote=@Genni] Actually, I think I'm going to bow out of the RP. I was going for a fast moving, knife fighter style of character but since most of the characters who are being accepted seem to be over-the-top Force users I don't think Dede would fit in very well. Best of luck with the story. [/quote] I really disagree(in the politest of ways.) If you get basic Tutaminis, you can negate the threat of the Force owning her in combat situations. Not to mention, most of this RP is going to be about exploring the opposite sides of the Force and what it can take to get pulled to the other side. While combat will happen, it won't be a main focus. I think your idea can still work with two normal Lightsabers, but Sep is the resident expert on that. He can help you with figuring all that jazz out.