The equivalent of a military green armored limo would pull up as the crowd had formed past the gate. Bickering could be heard from inside for a couple minutes as the car was put in park. The two voices from the car sounded like a young girl and her mother though the mother seemed to have a certain drill sergeant like tone in her voice. "It's time to go out were here already what's taking so long" Mother "There is to many people here can't I just stay at home." Young girl "It won't be a problem just go outside." "No" "Don't make me get back there and take you by the collar?" "No" ... A little bit later the timid slightly younger girl was pushed out of the car almost falling on her face before her bags fell out after...All three of them. Despite being the smallest child of the group she seemed to carry them quite handling even taking one of the heavier ones on her back. Though she didn't actively try for this you could tell they even matched well with her cloths and each other one being purple, another red, and even a pink one she carried on her back. She'd slowly stare over the crowed looking at how large it was and not wanting to go in it, but not wanting to be the girl standing all by herself with no friends. She'd scan the crowds looking for anybody anywhere she could stand without looking like a loser. She quickly noticed the group sitting under the tre, and though it wasn't the smallest group it was in the shade. She didn't really like the sunlight much, and her mother made sure she wore sunscreen and her sunglasses today. Thanks to that no one could see the scared expression in her eyes as she approached them accidently almost sounding like the rich brat staring at them, and saying, "What are you all doing here?"